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词汇 fasting state
释义 fasting state
Delays in insulin administration may lead to ketoacidosis despite thefasting state.没有及时给胰岛素即使是在禁食状态下也会导致酮症酸中毒的发生。
During thefasting state, the decrease in glucose clearance results in an increase in FPG concentration which stimulates basal insulin secretion.“空腹状态下,葡萄糖清除率的降低导致空腹血糖FPG浓度升高,后者刺激胰岛素的基础分泌。
Administration with food compared to administration in thefasting stateresults in clinically-significant differences in absorption and other pharmacokinetic parameters.进食下服药与禁食下服药相比,在吸收和其他药动学参数上会有临床显著性差异。
After detecting the antial areas atfasting state, R_, R_ and R_, DGP may be diagnosed and divided into two types - accelerated type and gastroparesis. Ultrasonography can be simplified.结论超声法检查胃排空可靠,测定空腹和餐后33,87,117min的胃窦面积变化可诊断DGP及分型,即胃排空过速型和胃轻瘫,简化超声检查具可行性。
Methods: Brachial artery flow-mediated dilation was measured in thefasting stateusing high-resolution B-mode ultrasound in 272 Tibetan male subjects and 580 Han nationality subjects.方法:在空腹状态下,使用B型超声对272例藏族男性和580例汉族男性进行肱动脉舒张功能检测。
Epidural Ropivacaine versus Epidural Morphine and the Catabolic Response to Colonic Surgery: Stable Isotope Kinetic Studies in the Fasted State and during Infusion of Glucose.硬膜外罗哌卡因与硬膜外吗啡以及结肠手术的代谢分解反应:在禁食状态和输入葡萄糖时稳定的同位素动力学研究。




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