释义 |
fasciocutaneous 基本例句 筋膜蒂 Method: Thirty-two anterior feet of extensive avulsion injury were repaired with pedicled calffasciocutaneousflap.方法:用腓肠筋膜皮瓣带蒂治疗前足广泛挤压撕脱伤32例,其中显微修复皮神经30例。 Objective To study the effect of treatment of decubitus ulcers in sacrum region withfasciocutaneousflaps.目的分析研究腰骶筋膜皮瓣治疗骶部压疮的临床效果。 Methods 67 cases of soft tissue defects in cnemis,ankle and feet were repaired with calf and sural distalfasciocutaneousflaps.方法应用小腿后侧远端蒂筋膜皮瓣修复足部创面67例,男41例,女26例; Methods: Bilateral rhomboicfasciocutaneousflaps from patient s root of thigh were used to repair vulvae coloboma in 5 patients.方法:对5例外阴癌患者利用其会阴部及股后侧的菱形移位筋膜皮瓣一期修复外阴广泛切除术后局部缺损。 There werefasciocutaneouscross-leg flap, gastrocnemius musculocutaneous and gastrocnemius muscle cross-leg flap.All of these flap survived.提出三个病例,依序是交叉腿腓肠肌肌皮瓣,交叉腿腓肠肌肌瓣及交叉腿筋膜皮瓣,所有的皮瓣均存活。 It is suggested that this complication was caused by traction of the femoral nerve when the free antero-lateralfasciocutaneousflap was dissected.此种现象可能是由于在取皮瓣的过程中拉扯到股神经所致。 |