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far·ther 英ˈfɑːðə美ˈfɑrðɚAHDfär“Yər ☆☆☆☆☆高四六研牛4COCA⁵¹⁷⁸BNC¹¹⁷³⁸Economist³⁵⁴⁹ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 adj.更远的⁴⁶;较远的⁹adv.更远地³⁶;进一步地⁹
adj.形容词 更远的more distant 进一步的a greater degree; further adv.副词 更远地,较远地,再往前at or to a greater distance or more distant point; further 在更大程度上,进一步to a greater degree; further Adjective: more distant in especially space or time;they live in the farther house more distant in especially degree;nothing could be further from the truth further from our expectations farther from the truth farther from our expectations Adverb: to or at a greater extent or degree or a more advanced stage `further' is used more often than `farther' in this abstract sense;further complicated by uncertainty about the future let's not discuss it further nothing could be further from the truth they are further along in their research than we expected the application of the law was extended farther he is going no farther in his studies to or at a greater distance in time or space `farther' is used more frequently than `further' in this physical sense;farther north moved farther away farther down the corridor the practice may go back still farther to the Druids went only three miles further further in the future adv.副词 farther, further1.这两个词都是far的比较级,在英式英语中这两个词皆可表示距离,有时可以换用。例如: We had to travel farther〔further〕 than I had expected.我们只好走得比我们预计的更远。2.在美式英语中,表示地点上的距离只能用farther,不能用further。 3.further可用作抽象含义,用来表示程度和分量,意思是“进一步的”“深层的”“更多的”; 而farther只能表示地点上的具体距离,不能用作抽象含义。 4.从词源来看, farther是far的比较级, further是fore或forth的比较级。在现代口语中, farther和further实际上已混用,但further更为人们所采用,而farther有渐趋消亡之势。 用做far的比较级。一种说法是forth的比较级,-er,比较级后缀。另一种说法是far的比较级,-ther,比较级后缀,词源同other, interior。与further的词义区别主要来自人为的影响。 far来自原始印欧语per,穿过,跨过,向前,词源同ford, forth。引申词义远行的,远的。 forth来自原始印欧语per,向前,穿过,词源同ford, farther。 far来自原始印欧语per,穿过,跨过,向前,词源同ford, forth。引申词义远行的,远的。 other来自古英语other。来自原始印欧语an-tero,异化自原始印欧语*al-tero,两个中的另外一个。来自*al,另外,其它,词源同alias, else, *tero,比较级后缀,词源同alternate, exterior。在古英语中鼻音n在摩擦音前自然脱落。 interiorinter-,在内,在中间,相互,-ior,比级级后缀。 further用做far的比较级。 用作形容词 adj. ~+名词the farther bank彼岸the farther end of…另一端the farther end of the street街的另一端~+介词farther from远远超过用作副词 adv.副词+~any farther再也不能向前no farther别再往前走~+介词farther and farther from越来越远farther into走进 近义词 beyond超出more更多的further更远的longer比较久的ulterior隐秘的increased增加的additional附加的yon在那一边的…yonder那边further along更向前在下文… 用作形容词(adj. 用作定语 ~+ n.On the farther side of the street there was a row of small shops.街那头是一排小商店。 用作表语 S+be+~Guangzhou is farther from Beijing than Shanghai is.广州比上海离北京远。 Germany is farther from the United States than England is.德国离美国比英国离美国远。用作副词adv. 用作状语 They barred the way and we couldn't go any farther.他们挡住了路,我们不能再往前走。 Shall we go farther?我们去更远的地方好吗? We can't go any farther without a rest.再不休息一下,我们可就再也走不动了。 Let's not walk any farther.我们别再往前走了。 I won't venture a step farther.我不敢再往前走一步。 The incident happened farther back than I can remember.这件事是很久以前发生的,我已经记不得了。 I can throw the ball farther than you can.这个球我能比你扔得远。 The explosion could be heard ten miles away , and even farther away.爆炸声10里外甚至更远的地方都可以听到。 They pushed the boat farther into the water.他们把小船又往水里推了推。 They drove three miles farther down the road.他们驾车又往前开了3英里。Pfarthermosta.最远的
farther是far的比较级形式,基本意思是“更远的”,指实际的空间上和时间上的距离,可译为“距离更远”。 farther可用作定语或表语。 adv.副词
farther是far的比较级形式,指在空间上或时间上更远。 farther常修饰动态动词,也可与介词或副词连用。 副词76%,名词23%,形容词1% 用作形容词Thefartherhill is five kilometres away.那座更远的小山在五公里以外。 The nearer the church, thefartherfrom God.离教堂越近,离上帝越远。 On thefartherside of the street there was a row of small shops.街那头是一排小商店。用作副词We can't go anyfartherwithout a rest.不休息我们就走不动了。 I went nofartherthat day.我今天没有取得进展。adv.at a greater distance 同义词 furtherbeyond,longer,more distant,more remote,remoter,yon,yonder 反义词 closer,nearer addedadjective additional combined,extra,further,joined,more,over and above,supplemental,supplementary anotheradjective additional, different a distinct,a further,a separate,added,else,farther,fresh,further,more,new,one more,other,some other,that beyondadverb further;outside limits above,after,ahead,apart from,as well as,at a distance,away from,before,behind,besides,beyond the bounds,clear of,farther,free of,good way off,hyper,in addition to,in advance of,long way off,more remote,moreover,on the far side,on the other side,out of range,out of reach,outside,over,over and above,over there,past,remote,superior to,without,yonder beyondpreposition further;outside limits above,after,ahead,apart from,as well as,away from,before,behind,besides,farther,free of,good way off,hyper,in addition to,in advance of,long way off,more remote,moreover,on the far side,on the other side,out of range,outside,over,over there,past,remote,superior to,without,yonder distantadjective faraway a piece,abroad,abstracted,apart,arm's length,asunder,away,backwoods,beyond range,far,far back,far-flung,far-off,farther,further,in the background,in the boonies,in the distance,in the sticks,inaccessible,indirect,isolated,middle of nowhere,not home,obscure,out of earshot,out of range,out of reach,out-of-the-way,outlying,remote,removed,retired,secluded,secret,separate,sequestered,telescopic,unapproachable,ways,wide of,yonder freshadjective additional added,another,auxiliary,else,extra,farther,further,increased,more,new,other,renewed,supplementary In the short term, many decisions about energy extraction in the polar regions will be made in courts and legislatures much farther south. 不久,在遥远的南方相对北极地区来说的法庭和议会上,将会有许多关于能源开采的决议出台。 ecocn The winner of a nationwide contest to find the commuter, with the longest trek, Givens is one of millions of people who are commuting longer and farther than ever before. 吉文斯在全国上下班最长旅行竞赛中获得冠军。数百万美国人的上下班往返时间比以前更长、距离更远,吉文斯就是其中一员。 ebigear With the white church and cluster of houses down by the bay, I could see the spot farther up the hill where a lovely scene would fall together in my viewfinder. 双目所及,白色的教堂和紧簇在一起的房屋向下延伸到了海湾处,而远端山形毕现,现在,这一切恰好可以落入我的取景框中。 yeeyan “ We're looking back farther in time to see where we are trending in terms of greenhouse warming, ” said Ballantyne. “我们正在探索更远的时间段以了解我们在温室效应方面趋向何处,”巴兰坦说。 yeeyan A dark angel sat on my left shoulder and reminded me that I could hit a baseball farther than anyone in my class. 一个黑天使坐在我的左肩膀上,它提醒我会比我们班级中的任何人将棒球击得更远。 yeeyan And you will achieve more and go farther. 所以你们将会走的更远、取得更大的成就。 yeeyan At last they were so tired that their poor little legs could carry them no farther; so they laid themselves down under a tree and went to sleep. 最后他们如此的疲惫他们可怜的小腿没有办法把他们带到更远的地方了;于是他们自己在一棵树下躺下来睡着了。 yeeyan But even that may no longer be an adequate measure. For the Earth now reaches farther still. 即使这种算法可能现在也不再合适了,因为地球现在已经延伸到了更远的空间。 ecocn But what about farther ahead? 但是更远的将来呢? ecocn By being able to fly faster and farther, helicopters could perform longer missions. 要是能飞得更快更远,直升机就能执行更长的任务了。 ecocn Dad, you let me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther. 爸爸,是您让我拥有了更广阔的天空,是您让我看得更高、更远。 ebigear I waded farther out as the tide ebbed. 退潮时我涉水出去得更远。《21世纪大英汉词典》 In fact, although that rocket flew farther than this week's ones, its final stage plopped into the Pacific. 事实上,尽管这枚火箭比上周那些要飞得更远,但其最后一级还是坠入了太平洋。 ecocn In education, the government wants to go farther than Mr Blair in challenging the dominance of comprehensive schools. 在教育领域,政府打算比布莱尔先生走的更远,挑战综合学校的优势地位。 ecocn In view of your prospective alliance with the family I should like to consult you--to consider the case with you-- before taking any farther steps. 考虑到你将要与这个家庭联姻,我愿在采取进一步行动之前,先找你咨询一下——与你商量商量这件案子。 kekenet Saturn still shines in the night though, farther eastward along the ecliptic plane. 而沿着黄道平面朝更远的东方,土星仍在夜空中闪亮。 yeeyan She was first called to observe and approve him farther, by a reflection which Elinor chanced one day to make on the difference between him and his sister. 她对他的进一步观察和赞许,最早是由埃丽诺偶然说出的一句话引起来的。那天,埃丽诺说他和他姐姐大不一样。 kekenet Sometimes ideas get changed in transmission, and sometimes those changed ideas spread even farther and with more impact than the ideas that came before them. 有时思想在传播中改变,并且时那些被改变的传播得更加广泛,随之带来的影响比思想本身还深远。 yeeyan Studies have shown runners who train in groups, show up more consistently and go farther than when they run alone. 研究表明集体训练的跑步者在一起跑的时候更能坚持,也比自己跑时跑的更远。 yeeyan The deer rolled farther down into a ditch, where if I had gone, no one would have ever found me. 那头鹿滑到了更远的沟里,如果我也掉到那里去,就再没人能找得到我了。 yeeyan The longer leg meant we could go farther with a given amount of effort. 腿越长,意味着在给定的努力下,我们可以走的更远。 yeeyan The distance between Alaska and India is much farther, to be sure. 可以肯定的是,阿拉斯加到印度的距离要远的多。 yeeyan These dimers sit at an angle to the surface, with one atom protruding slightly farther than the other. 这些二聚体以一定角度坐落于表面,其中一个原子突起得比另一个稍微远一些。 yeeyan What the government now proposes goes farther and faster than previous efforts. 政府如今的打算比先前的努力走的更远更快。 ecocn Who is ‘ farther along’ on a circle? 神:在一个循环圆圈上谁“比较远”? yeeyan Farther away from land, however, the situation changes as ocean currents play a greater role in moving and shaping ice. 不过,离陆地稍远一点,情况就改变了,洋流对海冰运动状态和形状塑造的影响更大。 yeeyan |