

单词 alloys
释义 alloys 英'ælɔɪz美'ælɔɪz COCA³⁶⁰⁸⁷BNC²⁶⁰²³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
名词 alloy:
a mixture containing two or more metallic elements or metallic and nonmetallic elements usually fused together or dissolving into each other when moltenthe state of impairing the quality or reducing the value of something
动词 alloy:
lower in value by increasing the base-metal contentmake an alloy of用作名词All of thesealloysare readily weldable.所有以上合金均可焊。
Alloys will not have the same properties as pure metal.合金没有纯金属所具有的同样的性能。
For some materials, such as oxide dispersion-strengthenedalloysor directionally solidified eutectics, the usage seems to depend upon a particular author or group of authors.对于一些材料而言,如氧化物分散强化的合金或者定向固化的低共熔混合物,其使用似乎依赖于一个特殊的创始人或者创始人团队。 A quirk in how China calculates quotas means that two tons of quota must be used to export a ton of rare earths for some alloys.
令我们奇怪的是中国出口额的计算方法:两吨稀土出口额中必须含有一吨稀土合金。 yeeyan

Aerospace and biomechanical engineers have long been aware of shape- memory alloys, but these materials have come to the attention of civil engineers only recently.
航太工程师和生物力学工程师很早就发现了这种记忆合金,但直到最近国内的工程师们才注意到这种材料。 ecocn

But shipments of various alloys that include rare earth metals to Japan have continued.
但是装运各种合金包括向日本出口的稀土金属都一直在进行着。 yeeyan

But steel alloys subjected to cyclic stress levels below their endurance limit rarely fail as a result of fatigue.
但是在钢铁合金的耐用度限制下,作为疲劳的结果,它们经受周期压力级别很少失灵。 ecocn

Ceramic composites, nanotechnology and shape memory alloys figure prominently in the airframe and ultra high bypass ratio propulsion system construction.
陶瓷合成材料、纳米技术和外形记忆合金卓越地体现于其机体和超高涵道比的推进系统结构。 yeeyan

Dr Dickey put together a team of electrical and chemical engineers and, together, they started looking at metals and metal alloys that are soft at room temperature.
迪基博士集合了电气和化学方面的工程师,组成一个研究组,开始合力着眼于那些在室温之下很软的金属和金属合金。 ecocn

For the cathode, Planar uses lithium manganese dioxide; for the anode, doped tin oxides and lithium alloys.
普拉纳在负极上使用锂锰二氧化物,在正极上则涂上二氧化锡和锂合金。 ecocn

His operation makes alloys for steel used in building houses, factories and railroads.
他的企业为建筑房屋、工厂和铁路所需要的钢材制造合金。 yeeyan

Like the Periodic Table of the Elements, this system holds ample opportunity for mixing proportions, creating alloys, and adding impurities.
就像化学上的元素周期表,该系统拥有充足的机会来进行混合,创造合金,或添加混合物质。 yeeyan

Most shape memory alloys can only“ cycle” or change form a limited number of times before the material gives out.
大部分形状记忆合金只能“循环”或称改变形态有限次数,之后材料就会疲劳了。 yeeyan

Now Yale scientists are doing away with this strength-moldability tradeoff by developing novel metal alloys that are as moldable as plastic.
目前耶鲁大学的科学家们通过开发一种可塑如塑料的新型金属合金来打破强韧度与可塑性之间的此消彼长。 yeeyan

Other materials being investigated for use in future lithium- ion batteries include tin alloys and silicon.
其它正在研究的可用于未来锂离子电池的材料包括锡合金和硅材料。 yeeyan

Rare earths have become increasingly important in manufacturing sophisticated products including flat- screen monitors, electric-car batteries, wind turbines and aerospace alloys.
稀土在制造精密产品,比如平板显示器、电动车电池,风轮机以及宇航合金方面已经变得越来越重要。 ecocn

Starting next year, industry executives said, exports of some additional alloys will face restrictions as well, which will have the effect of tightening quotas by about6 percent.
从明年开始,业内人士称一些附加的合金出口也同样面临着限制,这些限制将影响到紧缩约6%的出口配额。 yeeyan

These days, though, the quality of the nickel alloys has improved so that the torches work continuously.
而近来,由于镍合金的质量得到提升,等离子体炬已能保证持续工作了。 yeeyan

This remarkable ability is called Shape Memory Effect XXXXXE; other alloys, such as brasses, are known to possess it to a limited extent.
这种不寻常的能力被称为形状记忆效果 XXXXXE。其它一些合金如黄铜在一定程度上也具有这种特性。 examw

To discourage energy- and import- intensive metals- processing, the government raised export duties on iron, steel and related alloys to 25% in December.
为了抑制能源和进口密集型的金属加工业,政府对铁、钢及其合金征收25%的出口税。 ecocn

Unlike familiar window glass, metallic glasses are alloys made of metals—in this case cerium and aluminum.
不同于我们所熟悉的窗玻璃,金属玻璃是合金,如铈铝合金。 yeeyan

Until now, the quotas mostly covered alloys and oxides with a rare earth content of at least50 percent.
直到今天,稀土资源出口配额大部分涵盖了至少50%的稀土合金和氧化物。 yeeyan




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