

单词 farmed
释义 farm·ed 英fɑːm美fɑːrm 高COCA³¹⁵⁶⁵BNC²⁵⁸¹⁰iWeb³⁰⁶⁴²Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

land and buildings where people keep animals and grow crops

vt. & vi. 耕作,经营农场

use land for growing crops, etc.

vt. 寄养

arrange for a child to be cared for by others

workplace consisting of farm buildings and cultivated land as a unit;

it takes several people to work the farm

be a farmer; work as a farmer;

My son is farming in California

collect fees or profitscultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques;

The Bordeaux region produces great red wines

They produce good ham in Parma

We grow wheat here

We raise hogs here

farm, garden, field


farm指农场,也可指饲养场、畜牧场、养殖场等; garden指公共娱乐或观赏场地,如公园、花园等,也可指菜园、果园、园地、园圃,还可指露天饮食店; field指田地、牧场,也可指作特殊用地的场地、场所,还可指战场、作战训练场、运动场、田赛场地。例如:

It was getting dark when they arrived at the farm.他们到达农场时,天已渐渐黑下来了。
An old coin in the garden was dug up.花园里一枚古铜币被挖掘出来。
This field needs to be dug up.这块田需要翻。farm, ranch


farm指农场、农庄、也可指畜牧场、养殖场等; ranch为美式英语,指比较大的农场,尤指畜牧场。例如:

During the university vacation he worked on a farm.大学放假期间,他在一个农场干活。
Tom has a cattle ranch in California.汤姆在加州有一个大畜牧场。直接源自古法语的ferme,意为租用的土地;最初源自拉丁语的firmare,意为加强,耕种。
用作名词 n.
动词+~buy a farm买一块农场develop a farm发展农场hire a farm租借农场have a farm拥有农场lay out a farm设计农场,规划农场operate a farm经营农场sell a farm卖掉农场set up a farm建立农场visit a farm参观农场形容词+~big farm大农场large farm大农场modern farm现代化农场名词+~bee farm养蜂场chicken farm养鸡场fish farm养鱼场pig farm养猪场school farm学校农场state farm国有农场介词+~on a farm在农场用作动词 v.~+副词farm out出租farm out land出租土地farm out one's baby with sb把婴儿托给某人~+介词farm for a living以农为生farm in Africa在非洲务农farm on one's own land自耕
farm out v.+adv.

把…寄托或寄养出去 send (usually children to be looked after by others)

近义词 let让plow犁grow增加hire雇用rent租金work工作raise上升ranch牧场lease租约plant植物grange农场charter宪章culture栽培harvest收成produce生产homestead家园cultivate栽培farmhouse农舍plough用犁耕田fish farm养鱼场dairy farm乳牛场plantation种植园till直到 … 为止…cattle farm奶牛场smallholding小农地ranch house低矮的平房farmstead农场及其建筑物…
用作名词n.The farm extends for miles.这个农场长达好几英里。
You can't let the farm be neglected like this.你不能让这农场这样荒芜下去。
They empowered him to dispose of the farm's property and funds.他们授权他处理农场的财产和资金。
I was right in selling the farm.我把农场卖掉是对的。
There were a lot of state farms in Heilongjiang province.黑龙江有许多国有农场。
When is power going to be supplied to the distant farms?距离遥远的农场什么时候能实现通电?
Hailstones damaged crops and even killed farm animals.冰雹毁坏了农作物,甚至砸死了牲畜。
At the county fair last year, prizes were given for the best farm products and livestock.在去年全县交易会上,最好的农产品和家畜都得了奖。
He lives on a farm.他在农场里住。
My father works on a farm.我的父亲在农场工作。
During the holidays he worked on a farm.放假时他在一家农场劳动。
During the holidays he went and worked on a farm.假期里,他去农场打工。
Most of the equipment on the dairy farm was purchased with the worker's own earnings.这个牛奶场的大部分设备都是这位工人用自己的劳动收益买来的。
We've lived on this farm for twenty years.我们已在这农场住了二十年了。
Large sums were expended on farms.大笔的钱花在农场上了。
He worked at the Wutonghe Farm.他在梧桐河农场工作。
At the farm, the plumbers are busy at work.管子工们在农场里忙着干活。
He has worked at Smith Farm for several years.他在史密斯农场工作了好几年。
Some foreigners are visiting the apple trees at the farm.一些外国人在农场参观苹果树。
He worked as a cook near the farm.他在农场附近当厨师。
The bus stops near the farm.公共汽车在农场附近有一站。用作动词v.
S+~+AYou must farm scientifically if you want to have a good yield.如果你想得到好收成,就得用科学方法种田。
He is farming in Africa.他在非洲经营农场。
S+~+ n./pron.He farms 200 acres.他耕作200英亩地。
They farm 700 mu of terraced paddy.他们种700亩梯田。
If they don't farm this field, what do they do with it?假如他们不种这块地,那么他们用它来干什么呢?
The government will grant land to anyone willing to farm it.政府将分配土地给任何愿意耕种的人。


farm与介词on连用,泛指“农场”; 与介词at连用,可表示:①具体的某个农场; ②在农场不从事农活,而是干其他事情; ③在农场附近。




用作名词We work on thefarm.我们在农场工作。
Increasingly,farmland is yielding to property development.地产的发展逐渐占据了农田。
Ourfarmland was adjacent to the river.我们的农田在河边。用作动词My friend isfarmingin Wales.我的朋友在威尔士的农场种地。
They shouldfarmthe land instead of letting it lie waste.他们应当在这块地里种庄稼, 不要让它荒了。 By any measure, what happens to farmed animals today is anti- Christian.
就各方面而言,当今养殖动物所经历的无疑是反基督教的。 yeeyan

Eat up: low- mercury“yes” fish such as sardines, wild salmon and farmed striped bass.
可以吃低汞鱼类,比如沙丁鱼,野生鲑鱼和养殖鲈鱼。 yeeyan

Because tilapia— unlike farmed salmon— grow quickly, they don't need big supplies of antibiotics to keep them healthy.
因为和人工养殖的三文鱼不一样,罗非鱼生长得很快,它们不需要大量抗生素来保持健康。 yeeyan

China, which produces about 70% of the world’s farmed fish, has been a notable offender in creating such pollution.
中国养殖鱼的产量占世界的70%,在制造这样的污染上是明显的违规者。 ecocn

Don't mind a farmed fish?
您介意吃养殖鱼吗? yeeyan

I know that some readers will argue that the issue is not the meat industry, but factory farmed meat.
我知道有的读者可能会辩论到:问题不是肉食工业,而是工厂化养殖。 yeeyan

If bluefin could be farmed routinely, it might bring the price down, relieving pressure on wild stocks, as happened with salmon.
如果蓝鳍金枪鱼能够进行常规养殖,就可能将价格降下来,减轻对野生种群的压力,就像曾出现在鲑鱼的现象一样。 ecocn

In Japan, algae is farmed at sea where it absorbs carbon from the air.
日本则在海上养殖藻类,以吸收空气中的二氧化碳。 yeeyan

It takes at least three kilos of fish meal to add one kilo to the weight of a farmed salmon.
增加养殖鲑鱼一千克的重量需要至少三千克鱼粉。 ecocn

It would also shed light on the interactions between wild and farmed fish stocks, an issue of increasing concern.
这也可以清楚地说明野生和养殖鱼类资源之间的相互作用,这是一个日益受到关注的问题。 fao

Modern farmed animals have their beaks seared off and are castrated without pain relief, mutilations that, if done without anesthesia to a dog or cat, would be illegal.
现代养殖动物被高温去喙,被无止痛阉割,被无麻醉截肢,而如果这样对狗或猫,将是非法的。 yeeyan

Pearls are customarily farmed in French Polynesia, although Fiji and the Cook Islands are now in on the act, charging less for their pearls than Tahiti— with its lofty prices— does.
虽然斐济和库克岛正在养殖黑珍珠,比起珍珠的高价格来说投入比起塔西提岛来说要低一些,但是珍珠通常上是在法属波利尼西亚养殖的。 yeeyan

Researchers found that farmed oysters could remove significant amounts of nitrogen in the waters of the Chesapeake delivered there by agricultural and municipal runoff.
科学家们发现养殖的牡蛎可以清除大量切萨皮克湾海水中的氮素,这些氮素都是来自农业生产和城市生活排放。 yeeyan

Similar abuse occurs in all of the farmed animal industries.
类似的虐待发生在所有的动物养殖业中。 yeeyan

Some were caught off the Australian coast, others were farmed in Mexico.
有些是在澳洲海岸捕获的,另外一些则是在墨西哥养殖的。 yeeyan

Some47% of fish on dinner plates is now farmed, and this is likely to increase as the amount caught in the wild levels off.
现在餐桌上有47%的鱼来自于人工养殖,而且随着野外捕鱼量的稳定,这一数字仍将继续攀升。 ecocn

That salmon would be farmed off the coast of Panama, and it's unclear how it would be labeled.
那种三文鱼将在巴拿马海域附近进行人工养殖,它的标注方式也不太清楚。 yeeyan

The biggest obstacle to farming fish right, however, isn't the pollution a farm might create, or the risk of disease spreading from farmed fish to their wild cousins.
对当前的水产养殖业来说,实现高效率和可持续的最大障碍不是养殖场制造的垃圾,也不是养殖类鱼可能向自然界鱼类传播疾病的风险。 yeeyan

Topics which are being dealt with in the film are: fishing quotas, subsidies, illegal fishing, farmed fish, health and sustainability.
影片中涉及到的话题包括:捕捞配额、政府补贴、非法捕捞、养殖鱼、健康和可持续性。 yeeyan

Turns out that if a farmed oyster grows to76 millimeters, it’s a pretty effective water filter.
结果表明,如果养殖的牡蛎长到76毫米的话,就会成为一个相当有效的过滤器。 yeeyan

Why It's Bad: It's actually illegal to capture wild Atlantic salmon because the fish stocks are so low, and they're low, in part, because of farmed salmon.
它有害的原因:由于野生三文鱼数量很少,因此,事实上猎捕它们是违法的。它们数量少的原因一方面是因为人工养殖的三文鱼。 yeeyan

Farmed fish also do damage when they escape, as many do.
养殖鱼溜出养殖场后,也遭受这样的损害。 yeeyan




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