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哥伦比亚革命武装力量,Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia的缩写

a powerful and wealthy terrorist organization formed in 1957 as the guerilla arm of the Colombian communist party; opposed to the United States; has strong ties to drug dealers近义词 Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia哥伦比亚革命武装力量…
His government claims to have dismantled more than 200 FARC camps.
政府宣称至今已解除了两百多个 FARC营地。 ecocn

In Colombia FARC guerrillas were reported to have murdered17 Amerindians, whom they accused of collaborating with the army near the Ecuadorean border.
据报道,哥伦比亚革命武装力量 FARC游击队杀害了17名印第安人,原因是谴责他们与邻近厄瓜多尔边界的军队勾结。 ecocn

In half a dozen cases, soldiers were found to have planted bombs supposedly left by the FARC.
一半以上的情况,发现很多士兵秘密放置疑似 FARC游击队留下的炸弹。 ecocn

Mr Santos’s rejoinder was that recognising the existence of a conflict did not amount to giving the FARC, the main guerrilla force, belligerent status.
桑托斯则回答说,承认冲突的存在并不意味着要与主要的游击武装——哥伦比亚革命武装力量 FARC处于交战之中。 ecocn

The captured documents seem to confirm that FARC commanders have co-ordinated closely with Venezuelan army and intelligence officers on the border for several years, according to a Colombian official.
俘获的文件看来确认了这个情况,根据哥伦比亚一位官员的说法, FARC的指挥官们几年来与委内瑞拉军方和情报官员密切合作。 ecocn

The FARC has reorganised into much smaller units, continues to inflict casualties on the security forces and is making widespread use of landmines.
哥伦比亚革命武装力量已经重组形成更小的分队,而且正在大规模使用地雷,导致国家的安全部队频频伤亡。 ecocn

A member of the seven-member ruling secretariat and commander of the powerful Eastern Block, he was the FARC’s chief military strategist.
作为7人帮的头目掌控部长级职位,并且是强有力的东部势力的指挥官,他是 FARC的首席军事战略家。 ecocn

As long as the FARC are in Venezuela— there is ample proof of their presence— relations between the two countries will remain volatile.
只要哥伦比亚革命武装力量还在委内瑞拉有大量证据表明他们在那,两国的关系将继续波动。 ecocn

At least16 policemen were killed in a homemade mortar attack by FARC guerrillas on a rural police station in north-west Colombia.
至少有16名警察被 FARC游击队自治的迫击炮打死,这场战斗发生在哥伦比亚西北部农村的警察局内。 ecocn

But he soon proved his mettle by returning the FARC to their guerrilla roots, conducting hit-and- run ambushes on troops and relying more on urban militias.
但他不久证明了自己的实力,将 FARC带回早期的游击战,以打跑战术伏击政府军,并更加依赖都市的民兵。 ecocn

But FARC guerrillas began to visit. They sought to recruit his eldest daughter, who was then aged14.
但是, FARC游击队开始来到这里,当时他们曾强征他年仅14岁的大女儿去当兵。

Colombia’s government announced it would present evidence at a special meeting of the Organisation of American States, showing that FARC guerrillas are operating in Venezuelan territory.
哥伦比亚政府宣布它将在美洲国家组织的特别会议上呈上证据表明 FARC游击队在委内瑞拉的领土活动。 ecocn

Despite the government’s military gains against the FARC guerrillas, plenty of money still needs to be spent on security and reparations.
尽管政府在打击革命武装力量 FARC游击队中缴获了大量的军备,在保安和赔款问题上仍需支出大量金钱。 ecocn

It was Mr Márquez and other FARC commanders, not Mr Reyes, who handled relations with Venezuela.
是 Márquez先生和其它 FARC指挥官,而非 Reyes先生,处理与委内瑞拉的关系。 ecocn

It also shows the FARC's cynicism about the plight of its hostages.
它同时显示了 FARC对它的人质们的玩世不恭的态度。 ecocn

It could allow the FARC to claim vindication for their45- year war and finally seek peace, he says.
他说,政府此举可能会允许哥伦比亚革命武装力量为其长达45年的战争辩护,最终谋求国家的和平。 ecocn

No FARC leader will again threaten Colombians in the way that Jojoy did.
现在的 FARC领导人不会再像 Jojoy那样威胁哥伦比亚人了。 ecocn

Outside Ecuador, the FARC video will do nothing to encourage the idea that Mr Correa, whatever his political talents, is a responsible statesman.
除了在厄瓜多尔,不管科雷亚有什么政治才能, FARC的录像带根本不会让人们觉得他是一位负责的政治领导人。 ecocn

The government has evidence that some FARC fronts are short of cash and have trouble paying farmers for coca paste, says Sergio Jaramillo, the deputy defence minister.
政府有证据表明 FARC的一些前线部队缺乏现金,并且无法向农民们支付买古柯泥的钱,国防部副部长 Sergio Jaramillo说。 ecocn

The chief villains were right-wing paramilitary groups, whose motive was in part to wrest territory from the left-wing guerrillas of the FARC.
其中,为首的作恶团伙就是右翼准军事组织,他们的部分动机就是从哥伦比亚革命武装力量的左翼游击队手中抢夺国家领土。 ecocn

The FARC still hold several hundred hostages, including a score of army and police officers and two politicians.
哥伦比亚革命武装力量仍握有数百名人质,其中有二十来名士兵和武警及两名政治家。 ecocn

Though similar to a bombing raid just inside Ecuador that killed Raúl Reyes, another member of the FARC’s secretariat, in 2008, the attack on Jojoy was on a much-larger scale.
2008年,虽然在厄瓜多尔境内以相似的轰炸袭击方式炸死了 FARC的另一名部长级人物Raúl Reyes,但是对 Jojoy的袭击却备受到关注。 ecocn

When he became leader, the FARC were reeling from a series of setbacks.
当他接任司令后, FARC开始因一连串的挫折而退缩。 ecocn

Farc and ELN guerrillas do not appear to be targeting foreigners for kidnapping but step on one of the mines they lay and it does not matter what nationality you are.
哥伦比亚革命武装力量与民族解放军组织似乎不再进行针对外国人的绑架行为,可是一旦闯入他们的矿产领地,不论国籍,一律严惩。 yeeyan




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