

单词 faqir
释义 faqir 英'feɪˌkɪə美'feɪˌkɪə COCA²⁰²⁰⁶⁶

a Muslim or Hindu mendicant monk who is regarded as a holy man近义词 faquir托钵僧fakeer托钵僧fakir伊斯兰教或印度教的托…
“ THANK God she survived, ” says Faqir Muhammad, a vegetable-seller with bearded gravitas, seated cross- legged before a heap of aubergines in the ancient walled city of Lahore.
“感谢真主她还活着,”古城拉合尔一位蓄有庄严胡须的菜商, Faqir Muhammad,盘腿坐在一大堆茄子前,这样说道。 ecocn

FIVE years ago, in the mountainous Afghan province of Baghlan, NATO officials mounted a show of force for the local governor, Faqir Mamozai, to emphasise their commitment to the region.
五年前,在阿富汗群山逶迤的巴格兰省,北约官员为地方长官 Faqir Mamozai进行了一次实力展示的表演,以强调对该地区的安全承诺。 ecocn

Maulvi Faqir Mohammad is the chief commander of the Taliban in Bajaur.
毛尔维法基尔穆罕默德是塔利班在巴焦尔的首席指挥官。 yeeyan

Faqir Shah sprays machine-gun fire across the black hills of Tora Bora, shooting at phantoms of al Qaeda.
法其尔·沙机枪扫射托拉搏拉的黑色小山,射杀幻影“基地”组织。 yeeyan




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