

单词 FAQ
释义 FAQ 英ˌefeɪ'kjuː美ˌefeɪ'kjuː 高COCA⁹⁴⁶⁶⁰
abbr.常见问题=frequently asked questionabbr.中等品=fair average quality

a list of questions that are frequently asked about a given topic along with their answers Analysis prove quality well within standard asfaq.分析检验表明质量达到标准,属于上等品。
The example below is an extract of a FAQ page.以下例子取自一个有关常见问题的网页。
Section for the link to the Genetic Algorithms FAQ.中遗传算法常见问题解答的链接部分。 So now, when customers submit their answer, we thank them and point them to our FAQ so they can get an immediate answer.
所以现在,当顾客提交他们的回答时,我们感谢他们,并且把我们的 FAQ指给他们看,因此他们能够得到迅速的回复。 cnblogs

The merger website has an image of the new branding, a FAQ, an interactive map which depicts number of departures by state, a route map, and the announcement press release.
该网站提供了新公司的标识、常见问题解答、互动的美国地图它记录了这两家航空在每个州的离港航班数目、航线地图以及企业新闻稿。 yeeyan

The site also hosts an FAQ, mailing lists, excellent documentation, and links to other resources on AOP. It's a good place to begin further research.
该网站还包括一个 FAQ、邮件列表、精彩文档和关于 AOP的其他资源的链接,是一个开始进一步研究的好地方。 ibm




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