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词汇 fantasy
释义 fan·ta·sy 英ˈfæntəsiː, -ziː美ˈfæntəsi, -ziAHDfănʹtə-sē, -zē ★★★☆☆高四六研GIT宝6八COCA³⁸³⁸BNC⁵²⁶³iWeb³¹¹⁰Economist⁹⁵⁷⁷


imagination, especially when freely creative


product of the imagination

imagination unrestricted by reality;

a schoolgirl fantasy

fiction with a large amount of imagination in it;

she made a lot of money writing romantic fantasies

something many people believe that is false;

they have the illusion that I am very wealthy

indulge in fantasies;

he is fantasizing when he says he plans to start his own company

fantasy, fancy, imagination


1.fancy和fantasy多指无事实依据的凭空想象; imagination的想象则依据所见所闻或现实。

2.fancy的内容多是虚构的、幻想的; fantasy的内容更是荒诞古怪; imagination的内容则一般是合理的。






来自PIE*bha, 发光,照耀,词源同beacon, phantasm. 引申义白日做梦,幻想。
用作名词 n.
形容词+~sexual fantasy性幻想~+名词fantasy world幻想世界介词+~the world of fantasy幻想的世界~+介词the fantasy about the space age关于太空时代的幻想
fan=phan,f-ph相通,显露,展现+t=ed=sis中的s,表动作已完成之状态+as=ise,动词后缀+y抽象名词后缀,表行为及能力→在头脑中使某个事物显露出来的行为及能力→想象,幻想;想象力⇒转做动词幻想。故事记忆天生就很 Lazy懒惰的生活追求 Cozy舒适的上街血拼 Crazy疯狂的体胖心感 Uneasy不安的减肥虚脱觉 Dizzy头昏眼花的做起事来 Clumsy笨手笨脚的成天沉溺 Fantasy幻想故事记忆天生就很 Lazy懒惰的生活就爱 Cozy舒适的上街血拼 Crazy疯狂的体胖心感 Uneasy不安的减肥虚脱 Dizzy头晕眼花的成天沉溺 Fantasy幻想GRE红宝书源于: Final Fantasy最终幻想系列, Square公司的大作
fan迷 + taste 品尝→影迷的口味是喜欢想象力丰富的
发音记忆“范特西”→听着周杰伦的《范特西》,陷入无限的想象→想象,幻想发音记忆“范特西”→听着周杰伦的范特西,陷入无限的想象→想象,幻想非常记忆fanta烦他+sy室友⇒总烦扰他的室友很爱幻想近义词 dream梦myth神话hope希望tale故事fable寓言story故事image印象vapor蒸汽fairy仙女vision视力legend传说fiction小说pretend假装phantom幻影conceit自负illusion错觉pretense借口apparition鬼delusion错觉phantasy幻想made-up捏造的romance浪漫史fantasize想像daydream白日梦whim一时的兴致unreal不真实的illusory虚幻的fantasise 梦想fancy华丽装饰的imagination想象unreality不真实caprice反复无常imaginary想象的fictional虚构的make-believe假装fairy tale神话故事
用作名词n.Everyone should indulge in fantasy on occasion.每个人都会偶尔沉浸在想象之中。
The story is afantasy.这只是一个幻想故事。
Some of the old fantasies about the space age are coming true.过去有关太空时代的一些幻想正逐渐成为现实。
用作名词The young always live in a world offantasy.年轻人总是生活在幻想中。
He is unable to divorcefantasyfrom reality.他不能将幻想与现实分开。用作动词Hefantasieshimself a doctor.他想像自己是一位医生。noun.imagination, dream
同义词 delusion,fancy,illusion,nightmare,reverie,visionAtlantis,apparition,appearance,bubble,chimera,conceiving,creativity,daydream,envisioningexternalizingfabrication,fairyland,fancying,fantasia,figment,flight,hallucination,imaginativeness,imagining,invention,mirageobjectifyingoriginality,rainbow,trip,utopia,vagaryair castle,flight of imagination,fool's paradise,head trip,mind trip
反义词 actuality,certainty,fact,reality,truth
castle in the airnoun wishful thinking
air castle,castle in Spain,castle in the sky,daydream,dreamscape,flight of fancy,fond illusion,fool's paradise,pipe dream,unrealistic goal
delusionnoun misconception, misbelief
apparition,blunder,casuistry,chicanery,daydream,deception,deceptiveness,dream,eidolon,error,fallacy,false impression,fancy,fantasy,figment,fool's paradise,ghost,hallucination,head trip,ignis fatuus,illusion,lapse,mirage,misapprehension,mistake,optical illusion,oversight,phantasm,phantom,pipe dream,self-deception,shade,speciousness,spuriousness,trickery,trip,vision
dreamnoun illusion, vision
bubble,castle in the air,chimera,daydream,delusion,fancy,fantasy,hallucination,head trip,idea,image,imagination,impression,incubus,mental picture,nightmare,pie in the sky,pipe dream,rainbow,reverie,specter,speculation,thought,trance,vagary,wraith
dreamsnoun illusion, vision
bubbles,castle in the airs,chimeras,daydreams,delusions,fancies,fantasies,hallucinations,head trips,ideas,images,imaginations,impressions,incubi,mental pictures,nightmares,pie in the skies,pipe dreams,rainbows,reveries,specters,speculations,thoughts,trances,vagaries,wraiths
exaggerationnoun overstatement, embellishment
aggrandizement,amplification,baloney,boasting,caricature,coloring,crock,elaboration,embroidery,emphasis,enlargement,exaltation,excess,extravagance,fabrication,falsehood,fancy,fantasy,figure of speech,fish story,flight of fancy,hogwash,hyperbole,inflation,jazz,line,magnification,misjudgment,misrepresentation,overemphasis,overestimation,pretension,pretentiousness,rant,romance,stretch,tall story,untruth,whopper,yarn
fablenoun fantasy, story
allegory,apologue,bestiary,bunk,crock,fabrication,fairy story,fairy tale,falsehood,fantasy,fib,fiction,figment,fish story,hogwash,invention,legend,lie,myth,old chestnut,old saw,one for the birds,parable,romance,tale,tall story,untruth,white lie,whopper,yarn And fantasy rape is not, of course, like real rape, with all the pain, terror and degradation involved.
当然,幻想被强奸并不像真的被强奸,真的被强奸还伴随着痛苦、恐惧和堕落。 yeeyan

So Republican assertions about what ails the economy are pure fantasy, at odds with all the evidence. Should we be surprised?
因此,共和党人关于经济病因的推断完全是一种幻想,与所有的证据不符。对此,我们应该感到惊讶吗? yeeyan

Sometimes we see our dreams as a fantasy, not as a possibility.
有时候,我们把梦想当作一种幻想,而不是一种可能。 yeeyan

The Wheel of Time was made for those who like their fantasy writ large, and The Wheel of Time fulfills that desire epicly.
《时光之轮》是为那些喜欢幻想巨著的人创作的,这本书极大地满足了这些人对奇幻的渴望。 yeeyan

To root up all evils is only a fantasy for the time being.

“Once I had a patient who lived in a pure fantasy world,” replied his colleague.
“我曾有过一个病人,他生活在一个纯幻想的世界里,”他的同行回答。 kekenet

A fantasy, I suppose.
一种幻想,我猜测。 yeeyan

All this is harmless fantasy, of course.
当然,这一切不过是没有恶意的幻想。 ecocn

And worst of all, they continue to perpetuate the fantasy that Israel will one day be flooded by the descendants of Palestinian refugees.
并且最糟糕的是,他们继续念念不忘那个幻想,即以色列有朝一日会被巴勒斯坦难民的后裔所吞没。 yeeyan

But they seem to be largely a fantasy.
但是他们的想法似乎不过是一种幻想。 ecocn

But to me, it seemed like a fool’s fantasy.
但我心里却在想,这简直是一个白痴在幻想。 yeeyan

If looking at someone with desire was as bad as satisfying the desire, if having an active fantasy was as bad as the act you were fantasizing— then why not the satisfaction and the act itself?
如果带着欲望看某个人就像满足了这个欲望一样不道德的话,如果积极的幻想与你幻想的行为一样邪恶的话——那么为何不满足这个幻想并付诸行动呢? yeeyan

Impossible to escape the ways in which some fantasy, some prejudice, some unreason, some ignorance, some fear and who knows what else have woven their way into our every feeling and sense impression.

In porn for women as depicted in romance novels, the fantasy is to be desired so much that the man loses all control, though he never actually hurts the woman, and in the end, marries her.
在女性色情读物中,正如浪漫小说中描写的,这种幻想是被男人强烈地渴望着以至于他完全失去控制,尽管他从未真正伤害过那个女人,最后还娶了她。 yeeyan

It is real, not a fantasy anymore.
它是真实的,不再是一个幻想。 yeeyan

It may be another fantasy.
这也许是另一个幻想。 yeeyan

Let's take a look at how a fantasy world is realized by the magic of sand.
让我们一起去看看这个幻想的世界是如何通过沙子的魔力来实现的。 hxen

Smokers are an affront to this fantasy, and that is why no condemnation is strong enough for their presumption.
吸烟者是对这个幻想的侮辱,按他们的设想,这就是为什么强烈谴责吸烟者还是不够的。 yeeyan

There was much discussion over whether the site was encouraging sexual assault or was just an outlet for fantasy.
还有许多人在讨论这个网站是鼓励了性骚扰还是仅仅是一个性幻想的出口。 yeeyan

These items give us the fantasy of safety and wellbeing, and little else.
这些东西给我们除了健康和安全的幻想几乎毫无用处。 yeeyan

They continued to view this fantasy of the future as possible.
他们仍然认为未来的这种幻想是可能的。 yeeyan

We get so caught up in that fantasy that we become addicted to the dream itself. Yet we are scared of seeing it realised, of it becoming reality.
我们太陷入这种幻想的观点以至于我们开始沉醉于梦想本身,我们甚至害怕看到它的实现或看到它成为现实。 yeeyan

What do I think, he asks, what should he do with an employee who spends company time in some little fantasy world.
我到底在想什么,他问我,对于一个办公时间沉浸在某个小小的幻想世界里的员工,他应该怎么处理。 yeeyan

You and your fantasy danced and laughed and never stumbled.
你和你的幻想欢乐地跳舞,从没有被绊倒过。 yeeyan




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