Fanny felt the advantage
Fanny felt the advantage
She has a delicate ear for music
She has a detailed knowledge of this period
She has a dignified bearing
She has a dimple in her cheek when she smiles
She has a discerning palate
She has a dished face
She has a dominating and over protective mother
She has a double chin
She has a dread of snakes
She has a face like a saint-a saint bernard
She has a facile tongue
She has a fair amount of money put by
She has a filthy temper
She has a fine profile
She has a fond look
She has a foul temper
She has a full figure
She has a gas cooker
She has a glazed-eye look
She has a gold chain about her neck
She has a good command of spoken English
She has a good ear for music
She has a good figure
She has a good grasp of the English language
She has a good head on her shoulders
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更新时间:2025/3/22 12:46:11