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词汇 Fan Li
释义 Fan Li
It was said that whenFan Liand Xi Shi took refuge in areas of Wuxi and Yixing, they left numerous traces and legends.相传范蠡与西施在无锡、宜兴一带隐居避难,留下了许多踪迹和传说。
Fan Liwas the founder of Chinese business people and the originator of theories for macroeconomic regulation by feudal governments in China.摘要范蠡不仅是华商鼻祖,也是我国封建政府宏观调控经济理论的创始人。
Furthermore, the famous beautiful spy Xi Shi and her repressed affection for GeneralFan Lialso get detailed depiction in the film.以历史美人西施穿针引线,并对西施与将军范蠡之间欲言又止的感情有细腻感人的描述。
Fan Li, an important figure in the Spring and Autumn Period, was a famous politician, strategist and also multi-millionaire of business in ancient China.范蠡,是春秋战国时期的重要人物,是中国古代史上一位著名的政治家、军事家,也是经商有术的巨富。
Twenty years after Gou Jian returned to the Kingdom of Yue, he had his revenge on the King of Wu in the year 473 B.C. by inflicting on the latter a crushing defeat, with the help of such people as Wen Zhong,Fan Liand Xi Shi.勾践回国20年,即公元前473年,在文种、范蠡、西施等人的共同努力下,终于打败夫差,报了辱国之仇。
“The Classics on Fish Breeding ”, written byFan Liof the Warring States Period , was the world's first book on fish breeding. Fan started to breed silver carp in 473B.C., and the book was based on his experience.中国战国时代范蠡所著《养鱼经》是世界上最早的养鱼文献。 范在公元前473年即开始养殖鲤鱼, 并写下这本书。




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