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Fanconi anemia 基本例句 范可尼贫血:先天性骨髓发育不全 Over 11 knownFanconi anemiagene products are involved in DNA damage response pathway.目前已发现11种FA蛋白参与形成了一种DNA损伤应答途径。 Objective To study the clinical, hematological and cytogenetical characteristics inFanconi anemia.目的研究范可尼贫血的临床学、血液学和细胞遗传学的特征。 Fanconi anemiais a rare autosomal recessive di sorder characterized clinically by congenital abnormalities, progressive bone ma rrow failure and cancer susceptibility.Fanconi氏贫血是一种罕见的常染色体隐性遗传性疾病,表现为进行性骨髓衰竭、先天性骨骼畸形和易患癌症等。 Genetic subtypes of three cases withFanconi anemia范可尼贫血基因亚型的研究 Fanconi anemiaprotein范可尼贫血蛋白 |