

单词 faming
释义 faming 英feɪm美feɪm

the condition of being well known and talked about

the state or quality of being widely honored and acclaimedfavorable public reputation
fame, honour, reputation, repute


1.reputation强调在人们心目中的印象,即公众评价,一般译为“名誉”; fame强调本身品质的高尚、能力高超、业绩非凡,一般译为“较高的知名度”; honour强调因本身的忠心、诚实和优良品质而获得的好名声、荣誉。例如:

His fame spread all over the country.他名扬全国。
Edison is a man of world-wide reputation.爱迪生是一个举世闻名的人。
He has received many honours for his research into cancer.他因在癌症方面的研究工作而得到了许多荣誉。

2.fame用于人; reputation和honour可用于人,也可用于事物。例如:

She didn't pursue fame.她不追求名声。
This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.这家商店因买卖公道而享有极高的声誉。

3.fame和reputation可用于好名声,也可用于坏名声; honour一般只用于好的“荣誉”。例如:

She is a woman of ill fame.她是个名声不好的女人。
A few years after his graduation from a university the man acquired the reputation of being a philosopher.这个人从大学毕业后不久就获得了哲学家的名声。
The winning of the Nobel Prize is one of the highest honours an author can achieve.获得诺贝尔奖金是一个作家能够获得的最高荣誉之一。13世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的fame,意为名声;最初源自拉丁语的fama,意为,名望。
用作名词 n.
动词+~achieve〔gain, secure〕 fame获得声誉acquire〔attain, come to〕 fame成名decrease〔effect〕 fame降低〔影响〕声誉earn〔win〕 fame赢得名誉pursue〔seek〕 fame追求声誉reach fame博得名声形容词+~academic〔artistic〕 fame学〔艺〕术声望bad〔good〕 fame坏〔好〕名声international fame国际声誉worldwide fame举世闻名介词+~at the height of sb's fame在某人最走红的时期be dazzled by fame被名誉迷惑zenith of fame名誉的顶点from obscurity to fame从默默无闻到成名
近义词 honorreputereputation反义词 disgrace
用作名词n.Her chief fame rests on her several films.她的名声主要来自她的几部影片。
His new discovery adds fame to science at Yale.他的新发现给耶鲁大学的科学研究增光添彩。
She is a woman of ill fame.她是个名声不好的女人。
He spent his life searching after fame.他这个辈子追求名望。
Many great men rose from obscurity to fame.许多伟人都是从卑微变得有名望的。用作及物动词The city isfamedfor its scenic spots.该市以风景优美著称。




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