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词汇 fall out
释义 fall out 英fɔːl aʊt美fɔːl aʊt ★★★★★高6八T短语¹³³⁷⁰

have a breach in relations;

We fell out over a trivial question

come as a logical consequence; follow logically;

It follows that your assertion is false

the theorem falls out nicely

come off;

His hair and teeth fell out

leave a barracks in order to take a place in a military formation, or leave a military formation;

the soldiers fell out

come to pass;

What is happening?

The meeting took place off without an incidence

Nothing occurred that seemed important

fall out of use开始不用逐渐作废…fall out争吵fall out of step步调不一致fall out of放弃,中止,抛却…
近义词 hap幸运pass通过go on继续occur发生differ不同follow跟随happen发生pass off发生come out出现take place发生come about发生,产生,实现…
用作动词They oftenfall outover trivial matters.他们常因小事争吵。
Nine people were working on the project, but two had tofall outbecause of illness.原来有9个人接这个项目,但是有两人因病不得不退出来。verb.(argue
同义词 differ,quarrel,spar,squabblealtercate,bicker,clash,disagree,fight
反义词 agreeconcurverb.come to pass
同义词 befall,chance,happen,occur,result,take place,turn out
反义词 agree,concur
befallverb happen to;take place
action,bechance,betide,break,chance,come down,come off,come to pass,cook,cook up a storm,cook with gas,develop,ensue,fall,follow,gel,go,go down,hap,happen,jell,materialize,occur,shake,smoke,supervene,transpire
befallenverb happen to;take place
actioned,bechanced,betided,broken,chanced,come down,come off,come to passed,cooked,cooked up a storm,cooked with gas,developed,ensued,fallen,fallen out,followed,gelled,gelled,gone,gone down,happed,happened,materialized,occurred,shaken,smoked,supervened,transpired
befellverb happen to;take place
actioned,bechanced,betided,broke,came down,came off,came to passed,chanced,cooked,cooked up a storm,cooked with gas,developed,ensued,fell,fell out,followed,gelled,gelled,happed,happened,materialized,occurred,shook,smoked,supervened,transpired,went,went down
bickerverb nastily argue
altercate,brawl,caterwaul,cause a scene,cavil,dig,disagree,dispute,fall out,fight,hassle,pick at,quarrel,quibble,row,scrap,scrape,spar,spat,squabble,tiff,trade zingers,wrangle
chanceverb happen
arrive,be one's fate,befall,betide,blunder on,break,bump,come,come about,come off,come to pass,fall out,fall to one's lot,go,hap,hit upon,light,light upon,luck,meet,occur,stumble,stumble on,transpire,tumble,turn up
disagreeverb argue;hold differing opinion
altercate,battle,bicker,brawl,break with,bring action,clash,contend,contest,controversialize,controvert,debate,differ,disaccord,discept,discord,dispute,dissent,divide,fall out,feud,fight,go for the jugular,haggle,have words,jump on,lay into,let have it,logomachize,object,oppose,palter,quarrel,quibble,rip,row,scrap,set to,skirmish,spar,spat,sue,take issue,take on,war,wrangle,zap Love is apparently a form of“ long-term commitment insurance” that ensures your mate is less likely to leave you, should your legs fall off or your ovaries fall out.
看起来,爱是一份长期的承诺保险,确保你的伴侣不会轻易离开你,不论你的腿被截肢了还是你的卵巢被切除了。 yeeyan

Recent weeks have seen China fall out with South Korea as well as the West over how to respond to the sinking in March, apparently by a North Korean torpedo, of a South Korean navy ship.
最近几周,中国一直都在和韩国也包括西方关于如何应对三月份韩国的军舰被一只明显是来自朝鲜的鱼雷击中的事件进行争执。 yeeyan




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