

单词 allotted
释义 al·lot·ted 英ə'lɒtɪd美ə'lɒtɪd 高COCA²⁴²³⁷BNC¹⁷¹⁶⁶iWeb²⁰²⁷⁵Economist¹⁶⁹⁵⁰
given as a task;

her allotted chores


用作形容词No character was available in theallottedtime-out period.在分配的超时时间内没有可用的字符。
They returned within the time Hannah hadallottedthem.他们在汉娜给他们指定的时间之内回来了。as in.distributed
同义词 appropriated,assigned,dispersed,scattered,sharedallocated,apportioned,budgeted,dealt,diffusedispenseddivided,rationeddoled out,given away,handed out,spread evenlyas in.placed
同义词 arranged,fixed,implanted,located,planted,settled,situatedallocated,based,deposited,installed,lodged,occupying,positioned,quartered,rated,set,stationed,stored,stowed
distributedadjective delivered
allocated,apportioned,appropriated,assigned,budgeted,dealt,diffusedispenseddispersed,divided,doled out,given away,handed out,rationed,scattered,shared,spread evenly
placedadjective established
allocated,allotted,arranged,based,deposited,fixed,implanted,installed,located,lodged,occupying,planted,positioned,quartered,rated,set,settled,situated,stationed,stored,stowed And in Uganda the government, appalled that money meant for schools was not reaching them, took to publicising how much was being allotted, using radio and newspapers.
在乌干达,政府因为害怕本来给学校的资金用到别的地方,于是习惯通过广播和报纸宣传资金的分配情况。 ecocn

Are we fooling ourselves into thinking that we can actually deliver a solution within the time and resources allotted?
我们是在欺骗自己,认为能在分配的时间和资源之内真正交付解决方案吗? ibm

The renderer can then stretch the image in a certain way to fit the allotted space.
然后呈现程序可以通过一定的方式拉伸图像,以适合指定的空间。 ibm

The rest of the time is allotted for inspections, testing, and bug fixing.
剩下的时间被分配用于检查、测试和错误修复。 ibm

What if you do not finish the test in the allotted time?
如果在规定时间内没有完成考试会怎么样呢? ibm

After consulting the village mullah, it allotted half the land to Jama Khan's brother, with half to be divided between his two sisters;
在咨询了村里的阿訇后,贾马汗的一半的土地分配给了他的弟弟,另外一半由他的两个姐妹平分; ecocn

As soon as you activate your task a small window will pop-up showing you the allotted time you have before your task is executed.
当你激活了任务的时候,一个小的弹出窗口会显示给你执行任务之前分配了多少时间。 yeeyan

For each morning activity he completed within his self- allotted time limit, he rewarded himself by putting money into his Hawaii- getaway fund.
对每个早晨的行动他都会在自己分配好的时间内完成,并把钱存入夏威夷度假基金里来奖励自己。 yeeyan

In the early years of reform, households and firms kept their centrally allotted entitlements and obligations.
在改革的早期,家庭和企业维持其自身的核心分配权和债务。 ecocn

In most closed systems, people tend to be allotted identifiers specific to the application.
在大多数封闭的系统中,往往为人们分配特定于应用程序的标识符。 ibm

It cannot tell each of us individually how we might trace the trajectory that is allotted to us.
它不可能逐一告诉单个人,应该如何履行指派给自己的轨迹。 yeeyan

It's more like a super- undo engine with configurable limits for the number of history days and the allotted storage capacity.
它更像是一个拥有历史记录天数和分配存储能力的可配置限制的超级撤消引擎。 ibm

Many other jobs are allotted through a baffling system of regional quotas.
许多其它工作通过一个令人困惑的地区配额系统进行分配。 ecocn

Overflowing from its allotted space, the malware can override other program code and do considerable damage.
恶意软件从已分配的空间溢出,压制其他程序代码,从而造成相当大的破坏。 yeeyan

The land we lived on was Cherokee land, allotted to my mother because of the Cherokee blood that flowed in her veins.
我们居住的土地原属切罗基人领地,分配给我们是因为母亲血管里流淌着切罗基族的血液。 yeeyan

Thirteen of the new deputies are women, one more than was allotted in any case by a reserved quota, and78 of them are newcomers, a high proportion for Jordan’s typically staid politics.
其中13位新当选议员为女性,尽管她们多数被分配到保留配额,还有78位是移民,这在约旦传统守旧的政治氛围下算是高比例的了。 ecocn

This ensures that all possible values will fit in the allotted space, break across lines as you intend, and be correctly formatted.
这样可以保证所有可能的值都会适合所分配的空间,按照预期形式换行,格式化也正确。 ibm

This prevents the next task from starting until the time for the resource and the time allotted for moving the paper has elapsed.
这有助于防止直到分配给资源和纸张移动的时间过期之后才开始下一个任务。 ibm

When I visited, Congress had just allotted billions to clean energy in the stimulus. Yet the trepidation was palpable.
在我访问的时候,国会刚刚再刺激方案中拨给清洁技术数十亿美元。 yeeyan




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