

单词 fallen under
释义 fallen under短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺
As both art and commodity, commercial movies have inevitably fallen under the restriction of commodity production rules.
商业电影既是艺术, 又是一种商品,因而必然要受商品生产规律的制约。 cnki

Even the artwork on display has fallen under the spotlight.
甚至是这幅展出的艺术品也引起了人们的注意。 yeeyan

Land contracting management right is fallen under real right in favor of protecting obligee's right, especially for vast farmers.
土地承包经营权归为物权有利于保护包括广大农民在内的权利人权益。 cnki

Paul gives this advice from his personal experience of widows who had abandoned Christ and had fallen under Satan's control.
保罗提出的这些建议,是根据他的个人经历中,有离弃基督而落入撒旦控制的寡妇。 gbicp.org

Political infighting between the ruling and opposition parties also have discouraged the public. Recent polls show that his public support has fallen under20%.
政治党和在野党的政治斗争也让人民失望。最近的民意调查显示菅直人的支持率跌破20%。 yeeyan

Since then, a string of militias groups have been formed, and many have fallen under the control of the Burmese regime.
从那时起,一连串的武装团体已经形成,并且许多都被缅军控制。 blog.sina.com.cn

You see, our ancient Sisterhood has fallen under a strange curse.
如您所见,我们古老的姊妹会现在陷入莫名的诅咒之中。 blog.sina.com.cn




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