

单词 Falco
释义 fal·co AHDˈfal₍ˌ₎kō,ˈfȯl- 高Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a genus of FalconidaeKate: EdieFalco, she's also wickedly talented.她也是一个很酷的天才型演员。
KM: EdieFalco, she's also wickedly talented.她也是一个很酷的天才型演员。“ Metamaterials give us the ultimate handle on manipulating the behavior of light,” Di Falco said.
“超材料给我们的操纵光的一切可能行为,”迪法尔科说。 hexun

“ Nurse Jackie” is shot in New York to accommodate Ms. Falco.
《护士杰姬》为了方便法尔科女士,在纽约进行拍摄。 yeeyan

“ This is a company that is born with ambitions that go beyond Brazil,” Falco said at a press conference in Rio de Janeiro. “ We have international dreams.”
“这是一个天生充满了野心,不仅仅局限于巴西国内的公司” Falco在记者招待会上说,“我们有国际化的梦想”。 yeeyan

Although the company has not officially acknowledged it, the Falco has already secured an order from Pakistan, and deliveries are underway.
尽管该公司还没有正式承认它, Falco已获得了来自巴基斯坦的订单,并且交付正在进行中。 www.etiri.com.cn

Before landing the role, Ms. Falco said she talked to several networks but didn't find any female characters with the grit or depth she was seeking.
接下这部戏前,法尔考女士表示她和好几个有线电视台都洽谈过,但都没有找到有她想要的勇敢或有深度的角色。 yeeyan

Between NBC and its affiliated cable networks, an estimated65 percent of the nation's television homes have tuned in at least some of the games, Falco said.
法尔科说,估计有65%的看电视家庭通过 NBC和其附属有线电视网收看了至少一部分奥运会比赛。 ebigear

SELEX Galileo is a notable provider of Unmanned Aerial Systems, with the tactical Falco representing Europe’s only UAS system exported to date.
SELEX伽利略公司是一家无人机系统供应商,其隼式战术无人机是欧洲唯一的出口型无人机系统。 www.etiri.com.cn

Selex is also expecting a decision by early next year from the Italian army on whether to acquire a variant of the Falco to meet its surveillance requirements.
Selex也期待着明年年初意大利军队能够决定是否采购 Falco,以满足其监视要求。 www.etiri.com.cn

She cleared her throat. “ I didn't join Dr. Falco's practice until last July.”
她清了清嗓子,“我去年7月才来到费医生这里工作。” yeeyan

That is why Falco sent ane-mail to the class list of22 students telling them it was not their fault.
这正是法尔科写信的原因所在,他在信中对全班22个学生说,这不是他们的错。 chinafanyi

The flight campaign in North Africa saw the Falco fly for14 hours with a payload weight of45 kilograms during a night flight.
Falco在北非的飞行活动上,实现了飞行时间14小时,有效载荷为45公斤的夜间飞行。 www.etiri.com.cn

Falco forecast the merged company will have110 million customers in five years from about46 million now in broadband, wireless, fixed line and pay- television services.
Falco预测,合并后的公司在宽带,无线,有线和付费电视服务等服务领域将会在5年内由现在的4600万用户扩展到1.1亿。 yeeyan




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