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词汇 fair game
释义 fair game.

a person who is the aim of an attack especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation by some hostile person or influence;

he fell prey to muggers

everyone was fair game

the target of a manhunt

比喻用法,即美丽的猎物。近义词 target目标prey牺牲者quarry采石场
The judge remarked that what film stars did in their own homes was their own affair, and that their private lives should not be considered asfair gamefor newspaper reporters.法官说电影明星在自己家里做什么是他们自己的事,他们的私生活不应成为报社记者借以攻击他们的材料。
As soon as Susan was divorced, all the young men-about-town looked on her asfair game.苏珊刚一离婚,所有的纨绔少年都把她当作自由猎取的对象了。
The younger teachers werefair gamefor playing tricks on.那些年轻教师常是受作弄的对象。noun.legitimate target
同义词 clear stage,even break,fair field,fair play,fair shake,level playing field,prey,quarry,target,up for grabs
foolsnoun stupid or ridiculous person
asses,birdbrains,blockheads,boneheads,boobs,bores,buffoons,clods,clowns,cretins,dimwits,dolts,dopes,dumb oxes,dunces,dunderheads,easy marks,fair games,fatheads,geese,halfwits,idiots,ignoramuses,illiterates,imbeciles,innocents,jerks,lamebrains,lightweights,loons,morons,nerds,nincompoops,ninnies,nitwits,numskulls,oafs,saps,schlemiels,sillies,simpletons,stooges,suckers,turkeys,twerps,twits,victims
laughing stocknoun object of ridicule
Aunt Sally,butt,dupe,fair game,fall guy,fool,goat,joke,laughingstock,stooge,target,victim From trash to food, anything is fair game and these artists use their materials in a way that transcends their original purpose, creating true art.
从垃圾到食物,任何东西都是可用之材。艺术家们以一种超乎这些材料最初用途的方式将其运用,创造出了真正的艺术。 yeeyan

He himself finally thinks that anything is fair game to be taught and it can be taught progressively as long as it is taught in terms of its social and historical circumstances.




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