释义 |
fair day短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³ 基本例句 晴天 Every fifteenth day of the month of lunar calendar is the trade fair day of the village, people from around these areas will all come to this place with their families, hustle and bustle. 每逢十五,是民族村的集市日。方圆数十里的山民携妻带子纷纷来此赶集,热闹非凡。 ychzdc On the fair day, people gathered and traders came and the market became very crowded noisy with people bargaining mixed with sounds made by animals. 市场上人头攒动,讨价还价声此起彼伏,夹杂着不绝于耳的牲口嘶鸣,热闹非常。 blog.voc.com.cn Praise a fair day at night. 到了夜里才能说今天是晴天; iciba The results showed that the daily change of atmospheric transmissivity was great, it was above0.80 in fair day and below0.01 in dusty day. 计算结果表明,浑善达克沙地大气透过率日变化显著,晴天可达0.80以上,沙尘天气最低在0.01以下; cnki |