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Fairbairn ˈferbərn 高 基本例句 费尔贝恩¹⁰⁰ The dark matter star would collapse into a black hole. “Then the neutron star won't be able to survive anymore, and it'll collapse too, ” says Fairbairn. “暗物质恒星就会坍塌成为黑洞,然而,在这个时候,包围它的中子恒星不能再存在下去,也会跟着一起坍塌” ,费尔贝恩说。 yeeyan This is to say that Mr. Fairbairn is the most typical representative of this modern tendency. 换句话说,费尔巴恩是这种倾向最典型的代表。 blog.sina.com.cn Fairbairn said the settlements are at about 2,000 meters6,600 feet and believed to be the oldest evidence of our human ancestors, Homo sapiens, inhabiting a high- altitude environment. 菲尔贝恩说这个遗址海拔2000米,可以肯定,这是能证实人类的祖先,智人,在高海拔环境生存的最早论据。 yeeyan Fairbairn says that the DAMA experiment could be sensitive to dark matter particles that do not self- annihilate, which might explain why it is seeing something and others are not. 费尔贝恩说, DAMA的试验可能对不会自行湮灭的暗物质粒子有所反应,因此 DAMA的试验可能可以解释为什么它可以看到某些事物,而其他的则不能。 yeeyan Fairbairn's genius was to recognize that the rejecting object relationship further suppressed the exciting object relationship system. 的天赋就在于他认识到产生拒绝的客体关系进一步压制了产生激发的客体关系系统。 xici |