

单词 failed
释义 failed 英feɪld美feldAHDfāld 高COCA³⁰⁸¹BNC²⁴⁶⁸iWeb⁶⁶⁴⁶Economist⁶⁸¹
动词 fail:
fail to do something; leave something undonebe unsuccessfuldisappoint, prove undependable to; abandon, forsakestop operating or functioningbe unablejudge unacceptablefail to get a passing gradefall short in what is expectedbecome bankrupt or insolvent; fail financially and closeprove insufficientget worsefail失败fraction failed test局部破坏试验…failed engine有故障的发动机…failed in bending弯曲损坏failed lift失败的举重动作…failed areas造林失败地failed arm of a triple junction三联点遗弃臂 三…completely failed完全失败failed test sample不合规格的样品,不合…failed rift夭折裂谷,衰亡裂谷…failed bank破产银行failed fuel element破损燃料元件…failed test piece不合格试件
蒋争熟词记忆fail失败-ed已…的⇒已失败的fail失败-ed已…的⇒已失败的近义词 futile无效的abortive失败的disastrous灾难性的unsuccessful不成功的botched动词botch的过去式,…

用作形容词The management book was replete with examples offailedbusinesses.这本谈论管理学的书充斥著失败企业的例子。
His speechfailedin proof.他的演讲缺乏证据。
But for your advice, I should havefailed.要不是你的忠告,我会失败的。
The government's repression of the strikefailed.政府对这次罢工的镇压失败了。
The business faltered and thenfailed.商行生意衰退,最后倒闭了。
I tried to fix the equipment but Ifailed.我想把机器修理好,但是失败了。as in.abortive
同义词 fruitless,futile,unsuccessfulfailing,ineffective,ineffectualmiscarriedunavailing,unproductive,useless,vain,worthless
反义词 fruitful,productive,profitablecomplete,consummated,effectual,efficient,successfulas in.bankrupt
同义词 broke,destitute,insolventdepleted,exhausted,impoverished,lacking,lost,ruined,spentin Chapter 11,out of business,tapped out
反义词 rich,solvent,wealthy,restored,saved,successful,unusedas in.insolvent
同义词 bankrupt,broke,indebted,strappedlostbroken,bustedforeclosedin Chapter 11,in Chapter 13,in receivership,in the red,on the rocks,out of money,taken to the cleaners,unbalanced,undone,wiped-out
反义词 rich,solvent,wealthymoneyedas in.unsuccessful
同义词 abortive,disastrous,doomed,foiled,fruitless,futile,ill-fated,ineffective,ineffectual,losing,thwarted,useless,vaindefeated,unlucky
反义词 effective,effectual,fruitful,hopeful,lucky,productive,profitable,successful,useful
abortiveadjective failing to achieve a goal
bankruptadjective unable to pay debts
broke,depleted,destitute,exhausted,failed,impoverished,in Chapter 11,insolvent,lacking,lost,out of business,ruined,spent,tapped out
insolventadjective financially ruined
bankrupt,broke,broken,busted,failedforeclosedin Chapter 11,in Chapter 13,in receivership,in the red,indebted,lost,on the rocks,out of money,strapped,taken to the cleaners,unbalanced,undone,wiped-out
unsuccessfuladjective failing
abortive,defeated,disastrous,doomed,failed,foiled,fruitless,futile,ill-fated,ineffective,ineffectual,losing,thwarted,unlucky,useless,vain Before long a rival gang had planted a knife in his back; when that failed to kill him they returned to finish him off in the street near his home.
不久,敌对帮派就将匕首插进了他的后背。 但这并没有将他杀死,于是,他们就跟回到他家附近的一条街上,在那儿结果了他。 ecocn

Bill always has a card up his sleeve, so when his first plan failed he tried another.

But he failed to see the bust coming.
但他未能成功看清这场危机的到来。 ecocn

But he failed.
但他失败了。 yeeyan

But that does not mean he will not send them, for Israel has so far failed in its efforts to crush Hizbullah in Lebanon.
但是这不意味着他将不派遣他们,因为到目前为止以色列摧毁在黎巴嫩的真主党的努力已经失败。 ecocn

For all his talk of supporting the hopes of the undocumented, his administration has been doubling down on the failed strategy of mass expulsion.
在他所有关于给这些非法移民希望的演说中,他的政府却在“大量驱逐”这个失败的政策上下了双重注。 yeeyan

He talked for almost an hour, but the committee still failed to latch onto his proposal.

However, if she failed, she would have to start school all over again—all103 years of it.
相反,如果失败了,一切就得重新开始——旺达将回到学校再学习103年。 yeeyan

I always have one in my handbag and it has never failed me.
我经常在我的手提包里放上一个,并且它从来都没有让我失望。 yeeyan

If you had just changed your appearance in some way, have other friends failed to recognize you since?
如果你刚刚在某种程度上改变你的外表,还有没有其他的朋友也没能认出来你? yeeyan

In our hurry to get from one place to another, we failed to see anything on the way.
在急急忙忙从一个地方赶往另一个地方的路上,我们什么都没看到。 kekenet

She’s been underestimated by rivals and pundits in the past and succeeded where others have failed.
在过去她被对手和专家低估了,而曾在别人失败的地方获得了成功。 yeeyan

She failed in her duty.

So, in the previous example, you would only have to rerun the three failed tests and not the whole suite.
所以,在前面的例子里,您只需重新运行那三个失败的测试,而不是整个测试套件。 ibm

The prisoners attempted to escape but failed.

The reality is that, as an industry, we have generally failed in this area.
事实上作为一个行业,我们在这个领域中往往很失败。 ibm

They tried this in the past and it failed.
他们以前曾经试过这样,但失败了。 yeeyan

This allows you to see not only the flow of the failed message but also those that came before.
这不仅允许您查看失败消息的消息流,还可以查看失败消息之前的那些消息流。 ibm

This check function reports the number of rules processed and how many passed or failed.
这个检查功能报告处理的规则数量和通过或失败的规则数量。 ibm

We tried to persuade her to do it but failed.
我们考试大尽力说服她去做,但没有成功。 yxtvg

What if those negotiations failed?
那如果谈判失败呢? yeeyan




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