

单词 factory worker
释义 factory worker短语³⁹⁹⁹⁷

a workman in a mill or factory近义词 mill-hand研磨工人
as in.blue-collar worker
同义词 blue collarcommon laborer,employee,hand,industrial worker,laborer,lunch-bucket worker,member of the working class,nonoffice worker,proletarian,working stiff,workingman,workingwoman
blue-collar workernoun manual or technical laborer
blue collar,common laborer,employee,hand,industrial worker,laborer,lunch-bucket worker,member of the working class,nonoffice worker,proletarian,working stiff,workingman,workingwoman There is no reason for a lawyer or banker to make more money than a farmer or factory worker.
没有道理让律师或者银行家比农民或者工人挣更多的钱,只有我们今天的系统才能产生这种现象。 yeeyan

“ I'm really sad because these people are going to leave, ” said Mahmood Mohamad Abdulaziz,16, a factory worker who sat away from the cheering crowds.
“我很难过,因为这些人要离开,”马哈茂德-穆罕默德-艾哈迈迪说,16岁,工人,他坐在远离欢呼人群的地方。 yeeyan

Even to get a job as a factory worker, they didn’t charge for that.
就算在工厂找个工作都不用付钱。 yeeyan

Recent suicides include a24-year-old male factory worker surnamed Lu who jumped from a building inside the factory complex earlier this month.
最近的自杀事件中包括有一位年仅24岁的卢姓男员工,他于本月初从工厂大楼中跳下。 yeeyan

Shi Yongxin, the son of a farmer and a factory worker from next-door Anhui province, had just joined the monastery and would become its abbot in1999.
释永信,这个来自邻省安徽的一个农民和工人的儿子,刚刚来到寺院,并于1999年成为主持。 yeeyan




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