

单词 factored in
释义 factored in短语⁴⁴¹²⁶
But with the price of oil so high, coal is far cheaper, even with the cost of permits to pollute factored in, Enel has calculated.
但是,由于石油价格昂贵,即使打入污染许可费用,煤相对来说还是便宜得多,这点埃奈尔公司已经核算过了。 yeeyan

If all the issues been factored in, the given schedule and cost would have been accurate.
如果考虑了所有问题,给出的计划和成本就应该非常准确。 ibm

Once soot warming is factored in, it is obvious that switching to diesel is no solution at all.
一旦烟尘变暖后,很明显,改用柴油是任何方案。 dlzycf

The researchers also factored in how long each gas lasts once it is released into the atmosphere.
研究者也将气体被释放到大气中持续存在的时间纳入考虑范围。 yeeyan

The economy is expected to grow by 10% this year. It would be more, if the proceeds of drug- smuggling and gun-running were factored in.
预计今年的经济将增长10%,如果把毒品走私和军火生意也计算在内的话,这个数字还会更高。 ecocn




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