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词汇 facing off
释义 facing off短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
In Sri Lanka, The two proclaimed heroes of Sri Lanka's recently- ended civil war are facing off in the country's presidential election Tuesday.
斯里兰卡不久前结束的内战中被称为英雄的两位人物星期二将在该国的总统选举中交锋。 tingroom

Writing in the Washington Post, Bruce Ackerman, a professor of law at Yale University, went so far as to invoke the spectre of Douglas MacArthur facing off against Harry Truman over the Korean war.
耶鲁大学教授布鲁斯.阿科尔曼在《华盛顿邮报》发表文章,称这起事件足可同朝鲜战争时期麦克阿瑟违抗杜鲁门总统的命令相提并论这未免有些言过其实。 ecocn

Alessandro Del Piero admits he enjoyed facing off against Milan on the grand stage of San Siro again and can't wait to return next season.
德尔皮耶罗承认他喜欢在壮观的圣西罗和米兰交锋而且迫不及待要在下赛季归来。 biodic

Even so, it still faces some large hurdles, the result of facing off against the world's best retailers.

Founder of Gree, Japan's largest social networking site, may be facing off with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg soon; setting up shop in California.
日本最大的社交网站 Gree的创始人。 目前他正在筹建在加利福尼亚的办公室,或许很快会与脸谱的马克·扎克伯格 Mark Zuckerberg过招。 yeeyan

Mars is facing off against Pluto in Capricorn in your sign.
火星与摩羯座内的冥王星相刑。 douban

Maybe they think they've happened upon enlightenment. Facing off against San Antonio in the playoffs and Bruce Bowen's razor elbows will surely be a reality check.

Miami looks poised for a march to the conference finals at the least, and Collins' club has the misfortune of facing off against the Heat in the first round.
迈阿密人淡定自若,看起来至少也会走到东区决赛的样子,科林斯不幸又要在首轮成为热火的垫脚石了。 yeeyan

The U. S. and China, long at odds over protecting intellectual property, are facing off in a new battleground at the U. N. conference on climate change in Bali, Indonesia.
美中两国长期以来围绕知识产权保护问题一直争执不休,而在联合国于印尼巴厘岛召开的气候变化大会上,两国再次针锋相对。 shinewrite

The small country succeeded in facing off a big power.




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