

单词 face-covering
释义 face-coveringCOCA²⁵⁴³³⁷⁺Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
A ban on wearing the Islamic face-covering veil in public came into force in France.
有关禁止在公开场合戴伊斯兰面纱的禁令开始在法国生效。 ecocn

The bar on bullfighting follows a decision by many Catalan towns and cities to ban the Islamic face-covering veil in municipal buildings.
在斗牛禁令颁布前不久,许多加泰罗尼亚的城镇通过了禁止在市政大楼带伊斯兰面纱的决议。 ecocn

He said that included references to a recently passed law in France banning the face-covering veil, which Muslim extremists have criticized.
他说这部录像片涉及法国最近颁布的禁止蒙面的法令,这项法令遭到穆斯林极端分子的批评。 voanews

Next week a ban on the face-covering veil comes into force.
下周开始,另一项禁止在公共场所戴面纱的法令将生效。 ecocn

WHEN police stopped a woman driving with a full face-covering Islamic veil, little did they know what they would uncover.
当警察叫停一个头裹伊斯兰面纱的驾车妇女时,他们并不知道接下来将有什么发现。 ecocn




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