

单词 eye dog
释义 eye dog短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺
语]能用目光控制羊群的牧羊犬[亦作 strong-eye dog
A blind man was out walking with his seeing- eye dog when suddenly the animal paused and wet the man's leg.
以为盲人正带着导盲犬在外散步,突然这时这狗停了下来,并弄湿了这人的腿。 hxen

I noticed him as I walked by and could tell he had flown before because his seeing- eye dog lay quietly underneath the seats in front of him throughout the entire flight.
在经过这个人的时候,我觉得他以前一定坐过飞机,因为他的导盲犬在整个航程中都静静地趴在座椅底下。 www2.ouc.edu.cn

A blind man walks into a store with his seeing eye dog.
一个盲人牵着他的导盲犬进了一家商店。 tingclass

Another intelligent dog is a Seeing Eye dog.
另一种聪明的狗是导盲犬。 lqqm

But what happens if a poorly trained seeing- eye dog meets up with a cat?
但是,如果一条训练无素的导盲犬碰上一只猫会怎样呢? edu.sina.com.cn

I like his eyes, too. His eyes help me to see. He is my seeing- eye dog!
我也喜欢它的眼睛,它的眼睛帮助我认路,它是我的导盲犬。 store.funshare.com.cn

One day a seeing- eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together.

One day, a Seeing Eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together.
一天,一只导盲犬和一位盲人一起上了一辆公共汽车。车上挤满了人没有空座位。 hjenglish

Q is a small Labrador Retriever, a good flow of people seeing eye dog race. Compared with the other brothers and sister Mo, a small Q.
小 Q是一只拉布拉多犬,身上流着优秀的导盲犬血统。相对其他的兄弟姊妺,小 Q。6vvc

Renamed the small Q that is, the bird's wings mean. Q small soon be selected into a seeing eye dog, began training dogs.
改名为小 Q即鸟的羽翼的意思。小 Q不久就被挑选成导盲犬,正式展开犬只训练中。6vvc

The first guys sees him, stops him and says “ You can't bring that dog in here unless you tell him it's a seeing- eye dog.”
第一个人看到他,拦住他说:“你不能把狗带到这里来,除非你告诉他这是只导盲犬。” yeeyan

The second man replies “ This is my seeing- eye dog.”
第二个人回答说:“这是我的导盲犬。” yeeyan

Then the man and the dog walk away together. Lily went back to her friend and told her about meeting a seeing- eye dog!
之后那个人和狗一起离开了。莉莉回到小伙伴那里,讲述了她遇见导盲犬的经历。 http://store.funshare.com.cn

This is a “ seeing- eye dog”, an animal specially trained to help the blind get about in public.
这种狗是导盲犬,是一种经过特殊训练帮助盲人出门的动物。 edu.sina.com.cn

To become a truly seeing eye dog.

When he passes the final test, the Seeing Eye dog is ready to do things by himself.
当通过最后的考试时候,导盲犬就准备独立去做事情了。 edu.sina.com.cn

The guy, without missing a beat, says “ This is my seeing- eye dog.”
这家伙脸不红心不跳地说:“这是我的导盲犬。” yeeyan




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