

单词 ex-wife
释义 ex-wife 英'ekswaif美'ekswaif COCA¹³⁴¹⁶BNC²³⁶⁴⁸iWeb¹⁶²⁴⁴Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

a woman who was formerly a particular man's wife;

all his exes live in Texas

词根记忆ex前+wife妻子ex-从-wife⇒n.前妻近义词 ex商在 … 交货,…

用作名词He distanced himself from his former wife.他疏远了他的前妻。
Mike Delfino was still in love with his late wife.仍然深爱他的前妻。 He added that the articles suggested that Vaughn was either unfaithful to Aniston, the ex-wife of movie star Brad Pitt, or that their relationship had ended.
史密斯补充道,这些报道暗示要么是沃恩对安妮斯顿好莱坞影星布拉德·皮特前妻不忠,要么是两人已经分手。 cri

Hugo Quarry, his English business partner, is a former City salesman who has an ex-wife and three children safely parked in Surrey.
他的英国生意合伙人休•科瑞是个前城市销售员,他的前妻和三个孩子安全地生活在萨里。 ecocn

While she was dying of cancer, his ex-wife’s utmost curse was to forbid Erica from ever giving him a coveted pot roast recipe.
海勒的前妻患了癌症去世前,对他最大的诅咒就是要求埃里克不要把海勒一直垂涎欲滴的陶罐熏肉的菜谱告诉他。 yeeyan

By this time you have your eyes open, and there is no Santa, and no ex-wife in front of you.
在现实世界中实践这一新的思维方法。现在睁开你的眼睛,你面前没有圣诞老人,没有你的前妻。 yeeyan

He defamed his ex-wife by every possible means.

Hey, maybe your ex-wife is there, too, Pete.
哎,可能你的前妻也在那里,皮特。 yeeyan

His ex-wife, Phyllis, remembers him dancing her around the kitchen and saying he was going to buy her two Cadillacs, one for each foot. “ It was so exciting, ” Phyllis recalls.
他的前妻菲利斯回忆到有一次她与丈夫跳舞时,丈夫告诉她他准备买两辆凯迪拉克,一只脚一个,这简直太令人兴奋了。 yeeyan

How to cause this: find a photo album with your ex-wife photos and put it in a prominent place.
怎样才能让她这样呢:找出你前妻的相册,把它放在一个显著的位置。 yeeyan

I know his ex-wife disliked his drinking and now I see why.
我知道他的前妻就是讨厌他喝酒,现在我知道为什么了。 yeeyan

If your ex-wife reappeared, so be it.
如果你的前妻再现,就让她在那。 yeeyan

Klein also denied media reports that he was the sperm donor of Jackson's two children with his ex-wife Debbie Rowe.
克莱恩也否认了一些媒体报道。 报道称,他是杰克逊与他前妻黛比·罗的两个孩子的精子捐赠者。 yeeyan

Mahone meets with his ex-wife Pam at a diner. He shows her photos and Pam positively identifies Wyatt as their son's killer.
马宏与他的前妻帕姆在一个餐厅会面。他向她展示了几张照片,帕姆肯定地指出怀亚特就是杀害他们儿子的人。 yeeyan

Ms Dati is a close friend of Sarkozy's ex-wife, Cecilia.
据传,萨科齐前妻塞西莉亚是达蒂的好友。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

My daughter is a dancer and my ex-wife was a prima ballerina.
我的女儿是一名舞蹈演员,我的前妻是首席芭蕾舞演员。 yeeyan

My divorce had taken a toll on all of us; everybody was upset that my ex-wife was leaving me.
我离婚的事给了家里人沉重的一击,每个人为了前妻离开我而心情沮丧。 yeeyan

Not by his lady friends, who are numerous and devoted; nor by his ex-wife and her two daughters, with whom he lives in comfortable dysfunction.
他有一堆挚爱的女性朋友,她们不会这样认为,他的前妻和她的两个女儿也不会这么想他,他和她们住在一起时,虽然身体有些不适,但是也舒适开心。 yeeyan

So long as you’re not using it to obligate your ex-wife, you are free to spend it on her, as a gift.
只要你不用它来施恩于你的前妻,你可以把它当作礼物,随意地花在她的身上。 yeeyan

Some husbands file for divorce abroad and simply fail to turn up at the English court, hoping that the cost and delay of enforcing the judgment abroad will lead their ex-wife to give up.
有些丈夫在国外提起离婚诉讼,并且完全没有出席英国法庭,希望在国外执行判决的费用和拖延将使他们的前妻放弃。 yeeyan

Today, after2 years of separation, my ex-wife and I resolved our differences and met for dinner.
今天,在分开2年后,我和我的前妻冰释前嫌,共进晚餐。 yeeyan




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