

单词 extroversion
释义 ex·tra·ver·sion 英ˈekstrəˌvɜːʒən美ˈɛkstrəˌvɝʒənAHDĕkʹstrə-vûr'zhən 高COCA⁶⁴¹³⁵BNC⁷⁴⁰³²iWeb⁴²⁷⁶⁵
psychology an extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self钱博士extro向外+vers转+ion名词后缀,表行为和状态→向外转的行为和状态⇒外向性,外翻
extro向外+vers转+ion名词后缀,表行为和状态→向外转的行为和状态⇒外向性,外翻。近义词 friendliness友好sociability社交性self-confidence自信extraversion心理外向性…gregariousness群集性,合群性,群居本能…反义词 introversion内向性
The second-order factors of women table tennis players in China are adjustment, extroversion, tough poise and independence.
我国女子乒乓球运动员的双重个性均属于适应型、外向型、安详机警型和果断型。 iciba

Additionally, earlier investigations have shown that both neuroticism and extroversion are associated with the brain's serotonin processing systems, which are targeted by SSRI antidepressants.
此外,早期的调查显示神经质和外向都与大脑的5-羟色胺处理系统相关,这也是抗抑郁药主要针对的目标。 yeeyan

Dr Arvey and his colleagues found the same effect for extroversionof which sensation- seeking is but one facet.
阿维博士及其同僚发现外向性也有相同作用。 说明寻求刺激只是其中一部分。 ecocn

It begins with the distinction between introversion and extroversion.
从内向性和外向性的区别开始。 kidfanschannel

Strangers can accurately assess another person's level of creativity, open-mindedness and extroversion after listening to his or her top10 favorite songs.
陌生人在听完他或她的排名前十最爱听的歌之后,可以准确的评估他或她的创新能力,思想的开放程度和外向程度。 yeeyan

The content includes the analyses of the affective filter hypothesis, attitudes, extroversion and introversion as well as anxiety.
其内容包括对情感过滤假设、态度、外向与内向性格及焦虑的分析。 dictall

The contrast between extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial.
在外向和内向之间所作的对比完全是表面的。 kuenglish

Their study—of 1,285 pairs of identical twins and 849 pairs of same- sex fraternal ones— suggests that genes help explain extroversion only in women.
他们对1285对同卵双胞胎和849对同性异卵双胞胎的研究表明,基因的因素只在女性中对解释外向人格有所助益。 ecocn

They also rated the man’s general likability, kindness, and extroversion.
他们也要评估出该男子的总体可爱程度、友好程度和性格外向程度。 yeeyan

Two personality traits shine through the complexity of economists' regression analyses: neuroticism and extroversion.
经济学家通过复杂的回归分析,筛选出两种个性特征:神经质以及外向性。 ecocn

Two personality traits shine through the complexity of economists’ regression analyses: neuroticism and extroversion.
两种个性品质通过经济学家回归分析的复杂性表现出来:神经质以及外向性。 ecocn

Whereas neuroticism tends to make for gloomy types, extroversion does the opposite.
神经质往往使人沮丧,而外向性则恰恰相反。 ecolion.cn

Extroversion concerns the extent to which individuals are gregarious, sociable, assertive, and active as opposed to reserved, timid, and quiet.
外向体现在那些善于社交的、友善的、自信的、活跃的人中;与之相反的是那些内向的、腼腆的、安静的人。 blog.sina.com.cn

Extroversion of cervical columnar epithelium was observed in15 cases7.2% in little satisfactory cervical regeneration.
宫颈塑形欠满意中宫颈柱状上皮外翻15例7.2%; cnki




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