

单词 allocate
释义 al·lo·cate 英ˈæləˌkeɪt美ˈæləˌketAHDălʹə-kāt' ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝6八COCA⁹³⁴⁸BNC¹²³⁶⁵iWeb⁴⁹⁴³Economist¹³⁴⁰⁵

vt. 分配,分派

allot or assign sth for a special purpose

vt. 把款项等拨给

set apart for a particular purpose

distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose;

I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis

I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip







发音释义:'æləkeɪt vt. 分配;拨出;使坐落于vi. 分配;指定
结构分析:allocate = al=ad,使+ loc放置+ate动词后缀→放置在某处→部署→分配、指定
用作动词 v.
~+名词allocate shares分配股份~+副词allocate carefully谨慎地分配allocate properly妥当分配~+介词allocate among在…间分配allocate for拨款给…allocate sb to sth分派某人到…allocate sth to sb分配某物给某人
GRE红宝书al一再, loc地方-一再给地方-分配
al + locate 地方→分配给地方
al一再+loc 地方+ ate→不断送给地方→ 分配东西;
al=ad,去,趋近+loc位置-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→使资源到某个位置去⇒分配,分派。词根记忆al加强+loc地方+ate做→不断把东西发送到各地→分配,分派词根记忆al加强+loc地方+ate做→不断把东西发送到各地→分配,分派词根记忆al + loc地方+ ate → 不断送给地方 ⇒配给,分配词根记忆al=ad 向+loc地方+ate→向地方发送→分配;分派词根记忆al加强+loc地方+ate做→不断往地方送→分配词根记忆al一再+locate=不断送给地方=分配东西近义词 out出give给mete量up向上set放置deal协定allot分配aside旁白apart相距assign分配ration定额divide划分hand out分发dispense分发mete out给予dole发放救济apportion分配divide up瓜分designate指定set apart分开set aside留出distribute分配share分享,共享appropriate适当的dole out少量地发放share out均分分配earmark在耳朵做记号…
S+~+ n./pron.You must allocate the money carefully.你们必须谨慎地分配钱。
The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.福特基金会拨款数百万美元用于癌症研究。
The government has allocated over £100 million to the job creation programme.政府已拨出一亿英镑用于一项创造就业机会的计划。
They will allocate funds for housing.他们将拨出经费建房屋。
Others felt that oil was just not allocated properly.其他人觉得油分配得不恰当。
The money raised will be allocated among the various organizations connected with the welfare of children.将筹措到的钱分给各种各样的儿童福利组织。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.The government allocated them bigger rations.政府配给他们较多的口粮。S+~+ n./pron. +to pron./n.He allocated a particular seat to each person.他给每一个人专门的位置。
The committee has allocated some of the club's money to the young people.委员会把会里的一些钱分发给了年轻人。
We've allocated accommodation to each of the refugees.我们已经为每一个难民分配了住处。
Certain duties have been allocated to each member.每个会员都被分配了一定任务。Preallocate重新分派Punallocated未分配的Ppreallocated预分配的Pdeallocate解除分配再分配解除分配释放



allocate是及物动词,多接名词作宾语。宾语后可接介词短语表示附加的意义。表示“在…范围内分配”时接among; 表示“拨款做…”时接for; 表示“分派做…”时接to。


用作及物动词The system was unable toallocatea new data object.系统无法分派新的数据对象。
Allocate rations for a week - long campingtrip.分配一星期外出野营的定额。
You mustallocatethe money carefully.你们必须谨慎地分配钱。verb.assign;divide among
同义词 allot,apportion,appropriate,designate,earmark,give,set asideadmeasure,budget,cut,share,slicedish out,divvy,mete
反义词 hold,keep,withholdkeep together
adjustverb bring into agreement or to a standard
accord,arrange,clarify,conclude,conform,coordinate,doctor,fiddle with,fine-tune,fix up,grade,methodize,modify,organize,reconcile,regulate,settle,sort,standardize,straighten,systematize,tally
adjustsverb bring into agreement or to a standard
acclimatizes,accommodates,accustoms,adapts,alters,arranges,composes,conforms,disposes,doctors,does as Romans does,fiddles with,fine-tunes,fits,fixes,fixes up,gets acts together,gets it together,grins and bears it,habituates,harmonizes,makes conform,modifies,orders,quadrates,reconciles,rectifies,redresses,regulates,remodels,settles,suits,swims with the tide,tailor-makes,tailors,tunes
admeasureverb allot
allocate,apportion,distribute,divide,divvy,divvy up,lot,measure out,mete,ration,share
administrateverb carry out
allocate,apportion,dispense,distribute,dole,dole out,execute,mete,mete out
allotverb assign;give portion
admeasure,allocate,appoint,apportion,appropriate,assign,budget,cut,cut the pie,designate,distribute,divvy,dole,earmark,mete,set aside,share,shell out,slice,split up
allotsverb assign;give portion
admeasures,allocates,appoints,apportions,appropriates,assigns,budgets,cuts,cuts the pie,designates,distributes,divvies,doles,earmarks,metes,sets aside,shares,shells out,slices,splits up The trick is to allocate a node for each object.
技巧是为每一个对象分配一个节点。 ibm

As I mentioned, large objects are treated differently so for large objects generally you want to allocate them in a different pattern.
就像我提到的一样,大对象的对待方式不一样,所以你应该使用不同的模式来分配它们。 cnblogs

But if prices keep going up, I think the government should allocate special food allowances.
但如果价格继续攀升,我认为政府应该拨出专门的粮食补助。 blog.sina.com.cn

Drucker focuses on how to allocate time, because you can get more of almost any resource except time.
德鲁克关注的重点是如何分配时间,因为在诸多资源中,只有时间是无法多获取的。 yeeyan

From those groups, she decided how much space to allocate in the album, and pared down to fit.
从这些成组的照片中,她决定如何分配相册的空间,并削减以适合相册。 yeeyan

How much memory should we allocate for instance memory, database memory and application shared memory, so they can fit into the4GB addressable space?
应该为实例内存、数据库内存和应用程序共享内存分配多少的内存,以使它们能放入到4GB的可寻址空间? ibm

In particular, a service registry or a workload manager could determine the most appropriate endpoint address in which to allocate this resource.
特别是,服务注册中心或工作负载管理器可以确定最适合的端点地址来分配这个资源。 ibm

In the case of an earthquake, for instance, the agents bid among themselves to allocate ambulances.
例如在一场地震灾难中,就可以采用各主体竞价的方式来分配救护车。 ecocn

It allocates protected memory just after the memory you allocate.
它就在您分配内存后分配受保护的内存。 ibm

Memory management is usually handled by requests from the coder to allocate and release blocks of memory.
内存管理通常是由来自编码人员的请求处理的,以分配和释放内存块。 ibm

One environment handle must be present to allocate other types of handles in an application.
为了在应用程序中分配其他类型的句柄,必须提供一个环境句柄。 ibm

Otherwise, you must plan to allocate additional resources for them.
否则,您必须计划为其分配附加的资源。 ibm

So for a university based cloud computing system to be economically viable, it requires a proper scheduling mechanism to monitor demand and allocate the system resources.
因此,大学内的云计算系统要想具有经济可行性,它需要一种适当的调度机制来监视需求并分配系统资源。 ibm

The natural next step in developing this service would be to allocate each user a particular calculator instance.
开发这个服务的下一步自然是为每个用户分配一个特定的计算器实例。 ibm

Then they played a game in which they were asked to allocate money between themselves and someone else.
然后他们将参与一个游戏,其中他们被要求在自己与其他人之间分配钱财。 yeeyan

Therefore, when tuning the cache size for your environment, allocate sufficient in- memory and disk space for the cache entries.
因此,在为您的环境优化缓存大小时,请为缓存项分配足够的内存和磁盘空间。 ibm

This can provide for a more cost efficient solution, since you can allocate resources to departments, database servers, clustering, and so on.
这样可以提供更具性价比的解决方案,因为您可以分配资源到部门、数据库服务器、集群等等。 ibm

We then allocate the memory.
然后我们分配内存。 ibm

Why not allocate a bigger buffer pool instead?
为什么不分配一个更大的缓冲池呢? ibm

Yet they lack the power to raise funds or to allocate spending.
然而他们却没有权利筹集资金或是分配消费。 ecocn

You are no different to anyone else in that you have the same ability to choose how you allocate your time.
对于其他任何人来说,你不是另类,因为你同样有能力选择如何分配自己的时间。 yeeyan

You have to allocate space for each stack and move the appropriate values to that space.
您必须为每个堆栈分配空间并将合适的值移到此空间。 ibm

You must remember which pool you need to allocate from.
您必须记住需要从哪个池进行分配。 ibm

Your application can allocate enough memory to load all the data into the collection.
应用程序可以分配足够的内存来将所有数据装载到集合中。 ibm

Your answer— how and to whom you want to allocate your finite attention— will increasingly attract the attention of others.
你的答案——你希望如何以及向谁分配你有限的注意力——将日益引起其他人的关注。 yeeyan




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