

单词 extrapolations
释义 extrapolations ek,stræpə'leɪʃən COCA⁷²⁴⁹³BNC⁴⁶⁹²⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
n.数外推法;推断原型extrapolation的复数 As a result, simple linear extrapolations down to nano level, using rules that are valid within micro domains, do not work well in all circumstances.
结果是,我们将发现如果仅仅是简单地将微米域内有效的一些规则直接扩展到纳米水平,它并不能在所有情况下都适用。 blog.sina.com.cn

EOR estimates were similar to those in the extrapolations from miner data and consistent with residential radon studies in North American and Europe.
此估算值与矿工数据外推值及北美和欧洲室内氡研究结果类似。 cnki

The forecasting procedures described above assumed linear extrapolations of future costs, based either on the complete experience on the activity or the recent experience.
上例中的预测程序是在对工作有完整的或近期的教训基本上,用线性方法来推断将来的成本。 www.51xue.org.cn

The new bourgeoisie has created an enormous market, even if you ignore wild extrapolations about the future.
即使不对未来做粗略的推测,新兴中产阶级已经创造了一个巨大的市场。 ecocn

A surface synthesis operator function is simply constructed by geometrically rotating a certain kernel synthesis operator, instead of complicated wave extrapolations.
该方法只需对某一核合成算子进行简单的几何旋转建立合成算子函数,避免了复杂的波场外推。 cnki

As a long-time researcher on women's rights in the DRC, Baaz claims that extrapolations made from these figures cannot be backed up scientifically.
作为长期研究刚果民主共和国女性权益问题的专家,巴兹认为从这些数据中推断出的结果没有科学依据。 yeeyan

However, these contentions are based mainly on faulty extrapolations of preliminary or inconclusive evidence.
不过,上述几种说法都是根据初步的或未确定的证据的不完善推论。 chemyq

Remember behaviorists were entirely comfortable studying animals and drawing extrapolations to other animals and to humans.

The authors’ interpretations and extrapolations of it have not been subjected to any decisive tests, and it is not clear that they ever could be.
作者对其的解释和外推并未经过任何决定性的实验,而且他们能否这么做也未可知。 yeeyan

The financial repercussions of medical tourism were estimated from commerce ministry data, with modifications and extrapolations.
根据商务部的数据加以修改和推断,估测了医疗旅游对金融的影响。 who

These kinds of slogans are really just short-term extrapolations from yesterday's or today's experience.
根据昨天或今天的经验推断,这些类型的口号其实都是短暂的。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, these predictions are largely extrapolations from the recent past and they overlook serious structural constraints.
遗憾的是,这些预测在很大程度上都来自最近的推算,忽略了重大的结构性限制。 blog.sina.com.cn




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