

单词 allo
释义 al·lo 英'æləʊ美'æloʊ 高COCA¹⁸⁰⁵⁷¹BNC⁶⁴⁷⁰²
Conclusion:GCVshows good effect on prevention and treatment of CMV infection after allo-BMT, and an early diagnoses and early treatment is more important.
结论更昔洛韦防治异基因造血干细胞移植术后CMV感染效果良好,早期诊断和治疗更为重要。 cnki

The main purpose of an allo transplant is to give strong doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill the ALL- cells.
异基因造血干细胞移植的主要目的是,采用高剂量的放疗或化疗手段来杀死患者体内的癌细胞。 yeeyan

These data suggest that rapid lymphocyte recovery in early post transplantation might improve the prognosis of patients receiving Allo-PBSCT.
移植后早期淋巴细胞的快速重建可能有助于改善患者的预后。 cnki

Up to date, the toxicity effect of immunosuppressive drugs on human adult islets negatively influents the islet allo- transplantation in clinics.
免疫抑制药物对胰岛细胞的毒性作用是阻碍临床广泛开展成人胰岛移植的主要原因之一。 cnki

“ His muscles were completely severed, ” says Dr. Allo.
“他的肌肉被完全被切断了,” Allo博士说。 yeeyan

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Allo-HS.
对异基因造血干细胞移植。 kuenglish

Aye but allo' them be a fair hike away. Thar's travel expenses: feed fer tha horses, room an' board, meals.
对头,但它们都很遥远。旅行花销包括:马匹的饲料,住宿与饮食费用。 ellesime

But it was my second company so I had already learned allo f the lessons the hard way.
但这是我的第二个公司,我已经从之前的经历中,学到教训,不过也交了不少学费。 blog.sina.com.cn

Conclusion HLA non-identical allo- PBHSCT was well tolerated by patients with SAA, and it provided rapid and sustained engraftment without increase in incidence of GVHD.
结论新的 HLA不全相合移植方案耐受性好,可以获得长期稳定的植活,而且不增加 GVHD等并发症的发生。 cnki

Conclusions BMMSC could improve the hematopoietic recovery after allo-BMT.
结论 BMMSC能促进异基因骨髓移植后造血功能重建。 cnki

Flow cytometry was used to detect the expression level of HLA- B27 in peripheral blood of45 cases with leukemia after Allo-PBSCT.
采用流式细胞术动态检测45例白血病患者异基因外周血干细胞移植前后人类白细胞抗原B27表达的变化。 cnki

Generally, there are many ways to repair bone defects. Such as bone auto grafts or bone allo grafts.
骨缺损的修复方法,一般常用自体骨移值、异体骨移植,其中包括冷冻、冷冻干燥骨移植。 cnki

Objective To evaluate the role of gene CCR5 on donor cells in models where intensive preconditioning of the recipient occurs, thus provide the scientific evidence for clinical experience of allo- HSCT.
目的评价供者 CCR5在经过强化预处理的骨髓移植动物模型受者体内的作用,为异基因造血干细胞移植的临床应用提供科学依据。 dictall

Objective To evaluate engraftment status of patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Allo-HSCT and prompt relapse of disease based on DNA polymorphism analysis technique.
目的探讨 DNA多态性分析技术检测患者移植后植入状态的可行性及在患者移植的预后和疾病复发的预警作用。 cnki

Objective To explore the effect of the indirect allo recognition on the rejection of epidermal cells.
目的探讨间接同种异型识别在体外培养的同种异体表皮细胞移植排斥反应中的作用。 cnki

Objective To study the effect of low- dose of FK778 in preventing chronic renal allo- graft rejection in rats.
目的探讨小剂量 FK778对大鼠移植肾慢性排斥反应的预防作用。 cnki

Objective:To determine the efficacy of Allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation allo-PBSCT on malignant hematopathy.
目的:探讨异基因外周血造血干细胞移植治疗恶性血液病的疗效。 cnki

ObjectiveTo establish an experimental model of limbal transplantation in rat and compare the clinical effect and pathological change in limbal allo- graft and auto-graft transplantation.
目的通过建立大鼠角膜缘移植模型,对比观察同种异体角膜缘移植和自体角膜缘移植术后的表现及组织病理特点。 cnki

The conventional techniques to prepare nano sized metal composite powder include mechanical allo- ying MA, inert- gas condensation IGC, plasma atomization and sonochemical synthesis etc.
纳米金属复合粉末的制备方法主要包括机械合金化法 MA、惰性气体冷凝法 I GC、等离子雾化法、超声化学合成法等。 chemyq

Xuzhou Shengbao industry limited is a specially copper processing fabricant, allo is a plural enterprise which assembles the Hotel, Light-decoration, investment and Trade.
徐州市盛宝实业有限公司是主要从事铜材加工的制造商,是集酒店、灯饰、投资、贸易等于一体的多元化企业。 iciba

Allo PBSCT can rapidly reconstitute hematopoiesis.
PBSCT能迅速重建和恢复造血功能。 cnki




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