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词汇 Expressive form
释义 Expressive form
This picture is similar in content andexpressive formto the Human, Dragon and Phoenix Painting.这幅画与《人物龙凤图》不仅时代相同,内容也比较近似。
It reflects the essence of the original works by theexpressive formof art and conquers readers by the infectiveness of art.它以艺术的表现形式反映原作精神;以艺术的感染力去征服读者。
Ying is hired as the dance teacher of Tsun and his colleagues.Tsun, who has some knowledge in dancing, has soon resumed his interest in thisexpressive formof art.盈决定接纳俊妈妈的邀请到小区舞蹈中心任教拉丁舞,为赴外国深造筹集学费。
Euphemism is anexpressive formwith elegance for the sake of idealistic and practical effect and plays a significant and irreplaceable role in people's daily communication.委婉语是人们为了在交往中能达到理想交际效果而创造出来的一种文雅的语言表达形式,在人际交往过程中发挥了不可替代的作用。
What expression form does the person with lopsided psychology have?心理不平衡的人有哪些表现形式?
Both the sketch of concrete-image and the penmanship are of the general character which has theexpressive formand the expressive means based on either modeling or linning.具象素描与书法都具有以造型为基础和用线条作为表现形式与表现手段的共性。




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