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express delivery短语⁵⁸³⁵⁰ 基本例句 n.限时专送;快递 邮政服务 In the homeland is to send out smooth abundant express delivery, flexible express delivery, Shentong express delivery like us. 国内我们一般是发顺丰快递,圆通快递,申通快递。 lady11 It is inevitable that several major express delivery businesses will be formed through acquisition and merger in the industry, insiders said. 业内人士认为,快递业将来必然通过融合兼并形成几家独大局面。 epaper.lnd.com.cn It showed a caveman trying to use a pterodactyl for an express delivery, only to watch it be gobbled up on take- off by a tyrannosaur. 广告中,一个洞穴人设法让翼手龙快递包裹,却眼睁睁地看着它刚一起飞就被霸王龙一口吞下。 ecocn It was an urgent document. The secretary decided to send it by express delivery. 这份文件是急件,秘书决定以快递服务寄出。 wenweipo Fedex, which main business is to send package, mails, freight by express delivery. 联邦快递公司,它主要受理包裹、邮件、货物等的托运及快递业务。 cnki From now on, at the Taoxian International Airport, domestic and foreign airlines to operate cargo ground agent, logistics, express delivery business will be in this great platform to start. 今后,在沈阳桃仙国际机场营运的国内外各航空公司货物地面代理、物流配送、快递业务都将在这个大平台中展开。 chinaw3 In November DHL, an express delivery company, said that it would close its American domestic operations at the end of January. 11月份,全球知名快递公司 DHL宣布将在明年1月底关闭其在美国的国内业务。 ecocn Local buyers can fetch the meals from restaurants while nonlocal buyers can get them in vacuum packing via express delivery. 本地买家可到饭店取货,外地买家可以通过快递买到真空包装的半成品。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Since reform and opening up, Chinas express delivery industry has developed rapidly, the increasing scale industries. 改革开放以来,我国快递业发展迅速,行业规模日益扩大。 dictall The standards have almost no impact on express delivery in service MNCs whose advantages lie in their safety and time efficiency. 该标准几乎没有任何影响,快递服务跨国公司,其优势在于他们的安全和时间效率。 blog.sina.com.cn Therefore, no foreign private enterprises are allowed to engage in the business of postal communication and express delivery of documents. 因此,不能允许国外任何私人企业在我国经营邮政通信和速递文件业务。 tianya Express is part of the logistics, express delivery industry, from its birth to the present prosperity of experiencing many changes and reforms. 快递是物流的一部分,快递业从它的诞生到现在的繁荣经历着许许多多的转变和改革。 aipear |