释义 |
Export System 基本例句 专家系统 The U.S. Census Bureau uses the AutomatedExport SystemAESDirect to capture and store U.S. Export data electronically.美国商务部普查局利用电子化自动出口系统AESDirect获取及收存美国出口资料。 It has the basicfunction of CSTI, but the export system and test evaluation are still beingdeveloped and consummated.该系统具备CSTI的基本功能,其中专家系统模块和协作竞争模块还需要进一步的开发与完善。 Export Systemto Shift from Procurement to Agency出口方式将由收购制转为代理制 Military Air CargoExport System军事空运物资输出系统 |