

单词 exportable
释义 ex·port·able AHDˈek|spōrd.əbəl,ikˈs-,-ȯr,-ōə],-ȯə],]tə-]] ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA¹⁰³⁷³¹BNC⁶⁷⁰⁴⁵iWeb⁴¹⁸¹⁶

suitable for export;

exportable cultural achievements

export输出-able能⇒adj.可出口的⁴⁰;可输出的⁶⁰反义词 unexportable不适合出口的…
A bout of violent mindlessness that has shaken Britain’s sense of self— and may be exportable
无知的暴乱动摇了英国的自我意识,而英国或许并非唯一 ecocn

We encloseare enclosing a price list for our exportable items.
随函寄上我方可供出口商品价格表。 xiadoc

A Jumpchart is shareable, exportable as clean CSS, and automatically generates its own sitemap.
一个 Jumpchart是可以共享的,可以导出齐整的 css,自动生成自己的网站地图。 yeeyan

Any business with an exportable product or service should be exploring new markets.
和一种可输出的产品或服务的任何生意应该探究新的市场。 iask.sina.com.cn

Both countries have significant exportable cereal surpluses, but more long-term investment is needed to ensure that this supply response is sustainable.
这两个国家都拥有大量可出口谷物剩余,但需要更长期的投资,以确保供给反应的可持续性。 fao

Either then produces net exportable electricity for sale to offset plant- operating costs.
然后可以产生净输出电能用来销售,从而弥补装置的运营成本。 cepee

Experiment of raising techniques for the exportable size of the fry in Blue- Nile Tilapia within one year was conducted in pond.
为了探索奥尼罗非鱼池塘当年养成达出口规格的模式,进行池塘养殖当年繁殖的奥尼罗非鱼苗种达出口规格的试验。 dictall

Figure3 shows the relationship between the Exportable interface and its implementing classes.
图3显示了 Exportable接口与其实现类之间的关系。 ibm

In the actual conditions of Costa Rica, and with the present banana international prices, it is necessary to produce2100 exportable boxes to cover total cost of production.
在哥斯达黎加的实际情况下,按国际香蕉现价计算,需产出2100出口货箱才能支付生产总成本。 iciba

Notice that the Exporter is in a use relationship with the Exportable interface, not with the concrete implementations.
注意到 Exporter与 Exportable接口而非具体实现有使用关系。 ibm

Reports of average counts for given times shall be exportable to a spreadsheet application.
在指定时间内系统会产作平均人数统计报告报表。 xaaf

The network uses a secure RF link, protected through exportable encryption for joint and coalition operations.
该网络使用一个安全的 RF链路,通过加密出口保护联合行动。 www.etiri.com.cn

Up until recently, international poultry prices had been driven up by over 30 percent because of declining exportable supplies.
直到最近,由于出口供应减少,国际禽肉价格已经被抬高了30%。 fao

We would like to have an idea of your bicycles exportable now.
我们想了解一下你方现在可出口的自行车。 http://hd.gxibvc.net

While there is a way to export devices, this can be a big problem for applications that require non- exportable devices.
虽然可以导出设备,但这对于需要不可导出的设备的应用程序可能是个大问题。 ibm

While there is a way to export devices, applications that require non- exportable devices are restricted to only running in the global environment.
尽管可以使用某种方式导出设备,但要求不可导出设备的应用程序仍然受到限制,只能在全局环境中运行。 ibm




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