

单词 Allie
释义 Allie ˈæli COCA²⁰⁴³³BNC⁷³²⁸⁹
Young Noah: My Dearest Allie. I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us.

“ Close your eyes, ” he whispered, and Allie did, bringing her hands to her face.
他低声说:“闭上你的眼睛。”艾莉照办了,他把她的手捂着她的脸。 www.bao100.com

As the vile Forsaken march south into Gilneas, an ancient allie resurfaces to bring the savage Worgen into the Alliance.
由于恶劣的被遗忘三月南到吉尔尼斯,一个古老的艾莉复出加入北约的野蛮的狼人。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

As he was tying the canoe, he looked up at Allie and stopped breathing for just a second.
在他正栓独木舟时,他抬头屏着呼吸整有一秒钟时间仰视着艾莉。 www.bao100.com

But as she prepares to depart, Allie's feelings have gone underground.
但艾莉准备离家去上大学时,她把情感隐蔽起来。 hotdic

Clem harked a greeting at her car door, tail wagging, and Noah saw Allie wave from inside the car.
克莱姆摇着尾巴在她的车门前表示欢迎。诺亚看到艾莉在车里向他招手。 www.bao100.com

He and his wife were busy Saturday, dropping off their only child, Allie, at Earlham College in Richmond, Ind., to begin her freshman year.
因为他和妻子在周六忙着送他们的独生女 Allie去里奇蒙的厄勒姆学院,开始她的大一新学年。 yeeyan

I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Allie.
艾莉,如果我让你感到不愉快,我很抱歉。 www.bao100.com

My daughter Allie is leaving for college in a week. Her room is cluttered with shopping bags filled with blankets, towels, jeans, sweaters.
我女儿艾莉一周以后就要去上大学了,她房间里堆满了装着毛毯、毛巾、牛仔裤和运动衫的购物袋。 http://dj.iciba.com

Spending one idyllic summer together in the small town of New Bern, Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson do not meet again for14 years.
于是两人在一个名为新伯尔尼的小镇上度过了一个世外桃源般的夏天。 从此以后,诺亚和艾莉有14年没有再见面。 yeeyan

The award goes to Allie, a Great Dane from Indiana. Her tail measures24 inches.
今年的得主是来自印第安纳州的大丹犬 Allie,她的尾巴长达24英寸。 yeeyan

They reached the dock a couple of minutes later, and Noah moved in close enough for Allie to step out.
一两分钟之后他们到达船坞,诺亚为艾莉离开而移动到她附近。 www.bao100.com

Valentines day is one of Allie’s favorite holidays so I need to go all out.
情人节是 Allie最喜欢的节日所以我要全力以赴。 yeeyan

Will Allie leave Lon for Noah?
艾莉会为了诺亚放弃罗恩吗? yeeyan

Allie was impressed by his agility, knowing that what he had done so quickly and easily was harder than it looked.
他的矫健使艾莉深为敬佩,知道他做得如此轻快是比看起来要难得多。 www.bao100.com

Allie, programmed by family and the “ caste system of the South” to marry an ambitious, prosperous man, has become engaged to powerful attorney Lon Hammond.
而艾莉呢,在森严的的种族制度下依父母之命嫁给了一位雄心勃勃的暴发户,后来又与著名律师罗恩哈蒙德订婚。 yeeyan

Allie, I've got some bad news.
艾莉,我有个坏消息。 www.bao100.com

Allie looked upwards and laughed, giving up any attempt at keeping dry, making Noah feel better.
艾莉向上看着笑了,放弃保持不湿意图,以便使诺亚感觉好一点。 www.bao100.com

Allie noticed it all, every sound, every thought.
艾莉注意到这一切,每一个声音,每一想法。 www.bao100.com

Allie reached out to touch the closest ones and felt their feathers ruffling under her fingers.
艾莉伸出手去摸了摸最近的那几个,而感到它们的羽毛在她的手下褶皱了。 www.bao100.com

Allie watched the rain fall diagonally from the sky as it rode on westerly winds that whistled over the trees.
艾莉注意到顺着吹得树木呼啸作响的西风,雨从天上倾斜而下。 www.bao100.com




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