

单词 expand
释义 ex·pand 英ɪkˈspænd美ɪkˈspændAHDĭk-spăndʹ ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMT宝牛46八COCA¹⁹¹³BNC⁴⁶⁷⁷iWeb¹⁴⁶¹Economist¹⁶⁰⁷

vt. & vi. 扩大; 加大; 使大

make larger

vt. & vi. 展开

unfold or spread out

extend in one or more directions;

The dough expands

become larger in size or volume or quantity;

his business expanded rapidly

make bigger or wider in size, volume, or quantity;

expand the house by adding another wing

grow vigorously;

The deer population in this town is thriving

business is booming

exaggerate or make bigger;

The charges were inflated

add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing;

She elaborated on the main ideas in her dissertation

expand the influence of;

The King extended his rule to the Eastern part of the continent

expand, circulate, diffuse, disseminate, extend, propagate, radiate, spread




She opened a window to allow the air to circulate.她打开窗户使空气流通。


They use the press to disseminate right wing views.他们利用报刊来传播右翼观点。


Light diffused from the window.光从窗户射进来。


They extended the road for three more miles.他们把那条路又延长了三英里多。
The headmaster extended our holidays by a week.校长把我们的假期延长了一个星期。


This county has expanded its area under cultivation by more than 50,000 mu .该县扩大了50,000亩耕地。

Heat expands metals.热使金属膨胀。
He does exercises to expand his chest.他做体操扩胸。


We should not only learn knowledge, but also propagate it.我们不仅应学习知识,而且应传播它。
The Greek civilization was propagated all over Europe.希腊文明传播至整个欧洲。


The sun radiates light and heat.太阳放射光和热。
The electric heater radiated warmth.电暖器散发出热量。expand, dilate, distend, inflate, swell


expand指体积、数量的增大,可指展开、打开、散播开,而使其扩大的因素既可以是内在的,也可以是来自外界的外力; swell是指由于受到内部力量的作用而在体积和容积方面增大,也可指数目或程度的增长,质量的提高,或曲面向上隆起,常表示“不正常的增大”; distend指在内部力量的压迫下向各个方向扩张或膨胀,暗示原来就处于完全空虚或松弛状态; inflate指用人工方法使某物膨胀起来; dilate强调直径的增大。

词根词缀: ex-出 + -pand-延伸,扩展
用作动词 v.
~+名词expand armaments扩充军备expand the chest使胸腔扩展expand contact扩大交往expand drainage capacity增强排水能力expand influence扩大影响expand market扩大市场expand production扩大生产expand ranks扩大队伍expand ties扩大联系expand view阐述观点~+副词expand constantly〔gradually〕日益扩大expand fully充分地扩张expand greatly大大扩大expand out扩展expand rapidly迅速发展expand steadily稳定地发展~+介词expand by因…而扩大expand from…to…从…增加到expand in在…中发展expand into扩大成expand into an industrial city发展成工业城市expand on进一步阐述,详谈expand on a problem对某个问题加以阐述expand upon根据…阐述
expand into v.+prep.

使扩展,将…扩充成 enlarge sth to become wider

expand into sthThe company intends to expand into a wider market.这家公司打算进一步扩大市场。
The society expanded into a worldwide organization.这个社团已扩大成为一个世界性的组织。
The narrow path expanded into a wide road.狭窄的小路拓宽成一条大道。
The saplings have expanded into trees.那些树苗已经长成了大树。expand sth into sthHe expanded his short story into a book.他把他的短篇小说扩充成一本书。
The director plans to expand the firm into an international company.主任计划把这个公司扩展成为跨国公司。
The writer expanded one sentence into a paragraph.作家把一个句子扩展成一段文字。
The small pocket dictionary was expanded into a full-sized one.那本袖珍字典已扩展成为一本大型字典。
expand on v.+prep.

进一步阐述,详谈,补充 express oneself more fully or in greater detail on

expand on sthYou will have to expand on your argument if you want to convince me.你要想说服我,你就得充分阐明你的论点。
He did not expand greatly on his statement.他未就他的声明多加解释。
In his lecture the teacher expanded on the uses of the English subjunctive mood.老师在讲课中详细地讲述了英语虚拟语气的用法。
I am quite satisfied with your explanation, so there's no need to expand on it.我对你的解释很满意,没有必要再细说了。
expand to v.+prep.

扩展到… enlarge to

expand to sth/v-ingThe factory expands to the foot of the mountain.这个工厂的地界扩展到了山脚下。
The town has now expanded to twice its original size.这个镇现已扩展到原面积的两倍。
The business has expanded from having one office to having eight.这家公司已从一个公司发展到拥有八家分公司。expand sth to sthThere sugar-beet plantation areas were expanded to 176000 hectares.他们的甜菜种植面积增加到176000公顷。
Transport networks need to be expanded to remote rural areas.运输网需要扩展到偏远的农村。钱博士ex向外+pand伸展→向外伸展→扩张,扩展,发展,膨胀⇒进一步阐述,详述
GRE红宝书ex出, pand展开-展开出去-扩大
ex出,外 + pand 展开→向外展开→扩大;ex + 音:膨大,胖大
ex+pand分散 →分散出去→扩大
非常记忆ex前夫〖熟词〗+pan平底锅〖熟词〗+d弟〖编码〗⇒扩展地盘时前夫用平底锅赶走了弟弟ex向外+pand伸展→向外伸展→扩张,扩展,发展,膨胀⇒进一步阐述,详述。词根记忆ex向外+pand张开→向外张开→使膨胀,使扩张词根记忆ex向外+pand分散→向外分散→扩大,扩张谐音记忆音“一个使胖的”⇒一个使胖的方法⇒膨胀词根记忆ex + pand分散→ 分散出去 ⇒扩大词根记忆ex向外+pand分散→向外分散→扩大近义词 pump泵grow增加boom繁荣flare闪光extend延伸unfold展开spread传播multiply乘sprawl躺卧branch分部thrive兴旺enlarge扩大magnify放大broaden变宽develop发展amplify扩大balloon气球distend扩大stretch伸展augment增加exposit揭示blow up爆炸increase增加dilate使扩大open out打开flourish茂盛inflate使膨胀expatiate详述flesh out长胖spread out伸开swell使膨胀expound详细说明elaborate详尽的lucubrate精心制作反义词 shrink收缩contract合同
S+~+AThe shipbuilding industry is rapidlyexpanding.造船工业正在迅速发展。
The ranks of the teachers are constantlyexpanding.教师队伍日益扩大了。
Our foreign trade has expanded during recent years.我们的对外贸易近年来已得到扩大。
The pupils of your eyes expand when you enter a darkroom.当你走进暗室时,你的瞳孔就会放大。
Iron expands when it is heated.铁加热时膨胀。
The flower buds have not yet expanded.花蕾尚未开放。
The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.许多花瓣在阳光下绽放。
He began to expand after dinner.饭后,他变得友好亲切起来。
S+~+ n./pron.Heat expands metals.热使金属膨胀。
He does exercises to expand his chest.他做体操扩胸。
Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to expand the factory.由于公司业务的扩大,扩大工厂是必然的。
Our country steadily expanded her electronic industry.我国不断发展自己的电子工业。
She expanded her umbrella and went out.她撑开伞就走出去了。
The eagle expanded its wings.雄鹰展翅。
A hundred years after Confucius died,Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine.孔子去世100年后,孟子传授并阐发了孔子的学说。
The docks have been expanded.码头已经被扩建了。
The ancient city walls were demolished and the urban area was expanded.古城墙被拆掉了,城区被扩大了。
The existing network of medical and health institutions are being expanded.现有的医疗卫生组织系统正在扩大。
The business has been expanded this year.今年的生意扩大了。Pexpanding扩张工作Pexpandor放大器扩展器Pexpandability可扩展性Pexpandern.扩展器扩管器Pturbo-expander透平式膨胀机Pcompressor-expandor压缩扩展器





用作动词Metalsexpandwhen they are heated.金属遇热则膨胀。
Would youexpandupon the matter a little further?请你再进一步谈谈这件事好吗?
They conferred on the best way toexpandbusiness.他们商议扩展业务的最好方法。
Our foreign trade hasexpandedduring recent years.近年来我们的对外贸易有所增加。
The petals of many flowersexpandin the sunshine.许多花的花瓣在阳光中绽放。verb.extend, augment
同义词 bolster,broaden,develop,enlarge,grow,increase,open,spread,swell,widenaggrandize,amplify,bloat,burgeon,detail,diffuse,dilate,distend,elaborate,embellish,explicate,fatten,heighten,hike,inflate,lengthen,magnify,mount,multiply,mushroom,pad,piggyback,prolong,protract,pyramid,stretch,thicken,unfold,unfurl,unravel,unroll,waxbeef up,blow up,bulk up,fan out,fill out,open out,outspread,puff up,slap on,soup up,spread out,stretch out,tack on,upsurge
反义词 close,compress,decrease,diminish,end,halt,hide,hinder,lessen,narrow,reduce,restrict,shrink,stop,abbreviate,contract,curtail,deflate,fall,lower,shorten,shrivel,simplify,tangle,thin,withholdabridgeverb.go into detail
同义词 build up,develop,enlarge,extendamplify,dilate,discourse,elaborate,embellish,expatiate,expound,sweetenbeef up,drag out,flesh out,spell out
反义词 abridge,compress,condense,curtail,decrease,lessen,lower,shrink,contract,reduce,simplifyabbreviate,shorten
accumulateverb gather or amass something
accrue,acquire,add to,agglomerate,aggregate,amalgamate,assemble,bring together,cache,clean up,collect,collocate,compile,concentrate,cumulate,draw together,gain,gather,grow,heap,heap together,hoard,incorporate,increase,load up,lump,make a bundle,make a killing,mass,pile,pile up,procure,profit,rack up,roll up,round up,scare up,stack up,stockpile,store,store up,swell,unite
accumulatesverb gather or amass something
accrues,acquires,adds to,agglomerates,aggregates,amalgamates,assembles,brings together,caches,clean up,collects,collocates,compiles,concentrates,cumulates,draws together,expands,gains,gathers,grows,heap together,heaps,hoards,incorporates,increases,loads up,lumps,makes a bundle,makes a killing,masses,piles,piles up,procures,profits,racks up,rolls up,rounds up,scares up,stacks up,stockpiles,stores,stores up,swells,unites
add toverb increase
adds toverb increase
boils down to,spells,to constitutes,to totals
aggrandizeverb cause something to seem or be greater, bigger
acclaim,applaud,augment,beef up,boost,commend,dignify,distinguish,enlarge,ennoble,expand,extend,glorify,heighten,hike,hike up,honor,hype,increase,intensify,jack up,jump,magnify,multiply,parlay,praise
amplifiesverb increase in size or effect
adds,augments,beefs up,boosts,builds up,deepens,develops,elaborates,enlarges,exaggerates,expands,expatiates,extends,flesh out,heightens,hikes up,inflates,intensifies,jacks up,lengthens,magnifies,pads,pyramids,raises,soups up,strengthens,stretches,supplements,swells,ups,widens Have you ever wondered how to expand the reach of your applications to multiple client devices?
您是否曾经想知道如何将应用程序的影响范围扩展到多个客户机设备? ibm

The whole purpose of this law should be to expand civil rights without shedding other protections in the process.
这个法律的整体目的应该被拓展到公民权利中并在此过程中不会漏掉其他的保护。 yeeyan

To list the resources associated with each rule, expand the rule categories and rule nodes.
列出和每一项规则相关联的所有资源,展开规则类别和规则节点。 ibm

“ We need to expand this, ” he said.
“我们需要对它进行扩展,”他说。 yeeyan

Allow yourself to connect with Unconditional Love and to expand into that Love until you are filled with Compassion and Grace.
允许你自己连接到【无条件的爱】并且扩展进入那份爱的觉知,直到你充满慈悲与恩典。 blog.sina.com.cn

And how should they choose to expand demand?
要扩大需求,他们又该作出何种选择呢? hjenglish

Because our emphasis is not to reduce cooperation anywhere but to expand it both within China but also with China in third countries.
因为我们的重点不是在任何地方减少合作,而是在中国国内还有第三国扩大与中国的合作。 worldbank

China will further expand the scope of its opened-up areas.

Could you expand a bit on the key aspects of how you do this?
能稍微就关键的方面展开说一下你们是怎么做的吗? infoq

Element imports and package imports are not only helpful when you expand them in place.
当您在适时的展开元素和包的导入时,它们不仅仅是能够给予帮助的。 ibm

If the pathname is a directory, then you can continue to expand each part of the pathname.
如果路径名是一个目录,您可以继续展开该路径名的每个部分。 ibm

If we want to survive as a species, we have to expand into the solar system and likely beyond.
如果我们希望作为一个物种生存下去,就必须扩张到太阳系之中或超越太阳系。 yeeyan

Remember, focus on what you want, and that starts to expand.
记住,注意力集中在你想要的事物上,并开始扩大。 yeeyan

So then you can Taylor expand it.

There are methods that let you expand and collapse each node.
并且还有各种方法让您能扩展和折叠每个节点。 ibm

They can contract or expand with demand.
他们能够收缩或扩大需求。 ecocn

We can expand our AOP- like infrastructure classes to allow the insertion and deletion of methods from our Objects.
我们可以扩展我们的类 AOP基础设施类,以允许插入和删除来自我们对象的方法。 infoq

We must build on our reputation to expand the business.

We plan to document and expand its use in the near future.
我们计划在不久的将来扩展它的用途并编写相关文档。 ibm

When you expand them, you can see the request and response data in each page.
当您展开它们时,您会在每一个页面中看到请求和响应数据。 ibm

You can certainly expand the set, but be careful.
您当然可以扩展这个集合,但是要小心。 ibm

You can use all these resources to help expand your business and profit margins.
你可以使用所有这些资源来帮助扩展你的商业和利润。 ibm

You can't expand it like this without violating the terms of that license.
您无法在不破坏许可条款的前提下像这样展开它。 ibm

You should expand on them to provide more error trapping and functionality as needed.
您应该根据需要扩展它们,以提供更多的防错措施和功能。 ibm

Expand all of the conflicts.
扩展所有的冲突。 ibm

Expand your comfort zone.
扩大你的舒适区。 yeeyan




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