

单词 exit poll
释义 exit poll ˈeksɪtpəʊl ○○○○○

a poll of voters as they leave the voting place; usually taken by news media in order to predict the outcome of an electionFive media exit polls are now suggesting the results could be a historic victory for the opposition candidate and former bishop, Fernando Lugo.五个媒体选后测验现在正暗示,选举结果对在野党候选人和前任领导人卢戈来说将是一次历史性的胜利。noun.poll of people after voting
同义词 canvass,canvassing,counting hands,counting heads,counting noses,division,polling The exit poll suggests the Conservatives will be the largest party in the new parliament, but they will fall short of an overall majority by about19 seats.
大选结果显示保守党将成为国会第一大党,但距离绝对多数议席执政还差19个席位。 hjenglish

National exit poll results found Sen. Obama won two- thirds of Hispanics and more than two-thirds of voters aged18 to29.

The difference between the Florida exit poll and the final results are8.2 percentage points.
弗罗里达州的投票后民调和最终结果之差是8.2个百分点。 tingclass




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