

单词 existed
释义 ex·ist·ed 英ɪɡ'zɪst美ɪɡ'zɪst COCA⁵⁷⁵⁰BNC⁴³³⁷Economist⁶²⁰⁶
vi. 存在,有

be real or actual; have being

vi. 生存,活下来,幸存

continue living, especially with difficulty or with very little money; survive

have an existence, be extant;

Is there a God?

support oneself;

he could barely exist on such a low wage

Can you live on $2000 a month in New York City?

Many people in the world have to subsist on $1 a day


❌ The problem has been existed for weeks.

✔️ The problem has existed for weeks.



❌ Nothing like that has ever existed in the world.

✔️ Nothing like that has ever existed.

exist本身就有“存在于世上”的意思,因此,其后不用再接in the world。

exist by, exist on


exist by指“生存的手段”,即“靠…抽象的手段生存”,其后常接行为、职业等抽象名词或动名词。例如:

You cannot exist by this idea.你不能光靠这种想法生活。
In the old days his family existed by borrowing.过去,他一家靠借债度日。

exist on指“赖以生存的事物”,即“靠…具体的食物等生存”,其后常接食物、收入、薪金等名词。例如:

She exists on bread.她靠面包度日。
He exists on ten dollars a week.他每周靠10美元过活。exist, be, live


God does not exist.上帝并不存在。


There exist〔are〕 bears in the zoo.动物园里有熊。


Live and learn.活到老,学到老。
We cannot live〔exist〕 without food and water.没有食物和水我们就不能生存。1600年左右进入英语,直接源自法语的exister;最初源自古典拉丁语的exsistere,意为存在,出现。
用作动词 v.
动词+~chemical compounds exist存在化合物circumstances exist情况存在democracy exist存在民主famine exist存在饥饿free trade exist存在自由贸易freedom exist存在自由government exist政府存在Nazism exist存在纳粹主义starving people exist存在饥饿的人们strong ideas exist存在古怪的想法~+副词exist actually现实地存在exist everywhere普遍存在exist happily生活得幸福exist hard艰难地生存exist really确实存在exist still仍然存在~+介词exist as以…形态而存在exist between在…之间存在exist by靠…为生exist for为…而存在exist from自…就有exist in存在于…之中exist on靠…为生exist on food靠食物维持生命exist under在…下存在exist with与…共存exist without没…而不能生存
exist by v.+prep.

靠…生活 live by sth

exist by sth/v-ingI exist by what I think and I can't stop myself from thinking.我靠我之所思生存,因此我不能停止思想。
In the old days his family existed by begging.在旧社会,他们一家靠乞讨度日。
exist in v.+prep.

存在于…中 live in sth

exist in sthNo one exists in a vacuum.没有一个人是生活在真空中的。
Salt exists in many things.许多东西里都有盐分。
Lime exists in many soils.许多土壤中都含有石灰。
Strange ideas existed in his mind.他脑子里有一些奇怪的想法。
Crime and poverty still exist in big cities.犯罪和贫困在大城市里仍然存在。
exist on v.+prep.

靠…生活 live upon sth

exist on sthShe existed only on milk.她只能靠喝牛奶活命。
The horse exists on vegetable food.马靠植物性食物生活。
They cannot exist on such low wages.靠这样低的工资他们无法生活。
She exists on very little.她生活很艰苦。近义词 be有live活着last持续occur发生stand站立happen发生endure容忍prevail盛行subsist供给食物survive幸免于难
S+~+AHe is the greatest poet who ever existed.他是古今最伟大的诗人。
Such people do not exist.这样的人是不存在的。
Do you believe that God exists?你相信有神的存在吗?
So poor they can hardly exist.他们穷得几乎无法生存了。
They were so poor that they did not live but merely existed.他们穷得只能算生存,不能算生活。
The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.罗马帝国存在了好几个世纪。
The two sides have reached a partial agreement , but several differences still exist between them.双方达成了部分协议,但他们之间仍存在着一些分歧。
A life free from all worry just doesn't exist.无忧无虑的生活就是不存在。
Contradictions exist everywhere.到处都有矛盾。
The work will continue after we have ceased to exist.我们不在人世之后,这一工作仍将继续下去。
Racism still exists to varying degrees.种族主义仍不同程度地存在着。
There exist many sources of energy both potential and kinetic.存在着许多势能和动能的能源。
There always exists a force of attraction between two bodies.两个物体间永远存在着引力。






Some people in some poor countries receive wages that allow them to exist but not to live.有些贫困国家的人民的收入只能勉强维持生计。


用作动词Most scientists believe that water doesn'texiston the surface of the moon.多数科学家认为,月球表面不存在水。
That department has ceased toexist.那部门已不复存在。
Man cannotexistwithout air.没有空气人就不能生存。
The old ladyexistsonly on rice coffee and bread.老太太仅靠咖啡面包生活。verb.be living
同义词 continue,endure,happen,lie,live,occur,prevail,remain,stand,stay,surviveabide,be,breathe,last,move,obtain,subsistbe extant,be latent,be present
反义词 cease,depart,die,discontinue,go,leave,stopverb.get along in life
同义词 reside,lie,go on,live,endure,dwell,survivesubsist,kick,consist,inhereget by,eke out a living,make it,stay alive
反义词 die,cease There were unanswered questions, of course—the Masonic Pyramid and the Lost Word among them— but he sensed that the answers, if they even existed, were not for him.
当然还有无法回答的问题--其中有共济会金字塔和遗失的文字—可是他意识到这些答案,要是真的存在,不是他想要的。 yeeyan

Water is a key to the question of whether life, even in the form of microbes, ever existed on Mars. On Earth, all known forms of life require water.
水是一个是否有生命存在的关键问题,即使是以微生物的形式,火星上和地球上都曾经存在,所有已知的生命都需要水。 yeeyan




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