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词汇 Allergens
释义 Allergens
And many allergists reckon there is now enough data to start giving serious thought to a specific limit below which foods can be deemed free of peanut allergens.
许多过敏症专治医师认为,现在有足够的数据可以开始认真考虑一个特定限额,低于此限额的食品可以被视为无坚果过敏原。 yeeyan

It is not wise to attempt to mow your lawn or trim your hedges while suffering from allergies. Exposure to allergens may increase your symptoms or create new ones.
在过敏时期去尝试修整草坪或者修剪树篱都是不明智的,接触过敏源会加重你的症状或者造成新的过敏。 yeeyan

A nationwide survey shows more than half of all Americans now test positive for one or more allergens.
一项全国性的调差显示,有一半以上的美国人在一个过多个过敏原检测中呈阳性。 yeeyan

A study of mouse mast cells shows that cigarette smoke can prevent allergies by decreasing the reaction of immune cells to allergens.
从用老鼠做的实验看来,吸烟之所以有抗过敏作用,是因为能够降低免疫细胞对过敏原的应激反应。 yeeyan

And while laying the table, they must wash their hands clean to prevent any accidental contact of allergens with the allergic persons.
开饭时,必须勤洗手清洁,以防止任何意外过敏原接触过敏的人。 yeeyan

Another looks like a second latex protein and an olive protein, both known allergens.
第二个与另一个乳胶蛋白以及一个橄榄蛋白相似,这两个蛋白也是已知的过敏原; ecocn

But it might be possible to tweak the production process to reduce the presence of the allergens.
不过通过调节生产流程来减少过敏原的产生倒是很有可能的。 ecocn

But these pets carry plenty of germs and allergens, prompting researchers to ask: Are cats and dogs really safe for children?

Colds are caused by a virus while allergies are caused by exposure to allergens, according to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma& ImmunologyAAAAI.
美国过敏性哮喘与免疫学学会指出,感冒是有病毒引起,而过敏则是由于接触到了过敏原。 yeeyan

Consider purchasing a HEPA filter to remove the greatest amount of allergens.
考虑买一部高效微粒空气过滤器,最大程度地消除过敏源的存在。 yeeyan

If allergens can survive the hostile environment of the stomach, they are absorbed by the intestines, enter the blood stream, and interact freely with the immune system.
如果过敏原能够在安然无恙地经过胃,就能够在肠道被吸收入血然后可以自由地与免疫系统发生反应。 ecocn

It involves using a mild saline solution to flush out the thickened mucus and allergens causing your sinus congestion.
它使用温和的盐水冲洗厚厚的鼻涕以及引起你鼻充血的过敏原。 yeeyan

Moderate exposureto allergens will prime the immune system.
适当地接触过敏原将会完善免疫系统。 yeeyan

Regarding elimination diets, please see my answer above regarding food allergens and migraine.
关于饮食控制法,请看我上面对食物过敏和偏头痛的回答。 yeeyan

The third resembles one of the most rampant allergens of them all, a ragweed protein that causes hay fever.
第三个与造成花粉过敏的豚草蛋白类似,该蛋白可说是过敏原里最厉害的一个了。 ecocn

The person suffering from food allergy must always carry a first aid kit containing adrenaline and antihistamine injections in case of accidental intake of the allergens.
食物过敏的人建议必须时刻带上装有肾上腺素和抗组织胺注射的急救包,以便偶然摄入过敏原时使用。 yeeyan

The results were the same for children whose mothers had a history of allergy and for those who had a positive reaction to the allergens used in the skin-prick test.
这个结果对于那些有过敏史的母亲以及那些对皮试中使用的过敏原呈阳性反应的母亲而言是相同的。 yeeyan

There are likely to be many others, since many allergens seem to share similarities in their amino acid sequences that might confuse the immune system.
有可能还有其它很多种,因为许多过敏原似乎分享着相似的氨基酸序列,可能会使免疫系统产生混乱。 yeeyan

These regional variations are likely to be due in part to differences in eating habits, causing people to be exposed to different allergens.
这些地区性差异可能部分因为饮食习惯,导致人们易于受到不同过敏原的影响。 yeeyan

This is, how to stop allergens, as allergy-stimulating chemicals are known, from getting into the bodies of those at risk.
就是如何阻止过敏原即已知的导致超敏反应的化学物质进入人体产生危险。 ecocn

Allergens come from dander, saliva, and urine, not from hair.
过敏原来自皮屑、唾液、尿液,而非毛发。 yeeyan




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