

单词 executive search
释义 executive search短语¹⁴⁴⁹⁷²⁺²
Ask the executive search consultant what they think the client might ask, and what kind of person they are looking for?
问猎头顾问,他们认为客户可能会问什么?客户在找什么样的人才? yeeyan

Brazil, according to the Association of Executive Search Consultants AESC, a trade body.
根据行业公会猎才顾问协会 AESC统计,答案是巴西。 ecocn

Experienced IPO heads typically understand the needs of their staff very well, and companies will rely less on executive search partners when their IPO heads are in place.
有经验的 IPO领袖知道他需要什么样的人员,在他到位后,公司就不再那么依赖猎头伙伴了。 yeeyan

Invest time in developing relationships with university placement offices, recruiters and executive search firms.
投入时间与大学的就业指导办公室、招聘人员及猎头公司保持联系。 topsage

Our core business include: Executive Search, Management Consultation, and Investment Services. We have successfully served more than500 renowned corporations both multi-national and domestic.
我们的核心业务包括:猎头招聘、管理谘询与投资服务,已成功为超过500 家中外著名企业提供了专业服务。 china-brand

That would mark the lowest percentage of office parties seen in the20 years since executive search firm Battalia Winston Amrop began its annual survey.
这是Battalia Winston Amrop猎头公司开展该年度调查20年来,美国公司举办年终派对比率最低的一年。 ebigear

Write down your executive search consultant's number and the company's number in case you have to ask for a delay.
记下你猎头顾问的号码和公司的号码,这样就可以在不得不推迟安排时派上用场。 yeeyan




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