

单词 executions
释义 executions ˌeksiˈkju:ʃənz COCA¹⁷³⁵⁸BNC¹⁸⁵³⁰Economist⁷⁸³⁷
n.死刑execution的复数形式;实行⁵⁰;完成⁵⁰原型execution的复数 Albert Camus related in his essay“ Reflections on the Guillotine” that viewing executions turned him against capital punishment.
加谬在他的文章“对断头台的反思”中写到,看过死刑的执行后,开始反对死刑这种刑罚。 yeeyan

“ We feel strong anger and disappointment over the executions today,” the group said.
该组织还说:我们对今天的死刑的执行感到非常的失望和愤怒。 blog.sina.com.cn

And, often times in Iran, these types of executions will happen without any notice.
此外,在伊朗有很多时候,这些类型的处决会在没有任何通知的情况下发生。 yeeyan

China chiefly, Iran, North Korea, and Yemen accounted for most of the executions.
中国占大部分、伊朗、朝鲜和也门执行了绝大多数死刑。 ecocn

First of all, they must stop the executions.
首先,他们必须先停止死刑的执行。 blog.sina.com.cn

I opened handwritten, eye- witness accounts of summary trials and executions, of kidnappings and rapes.
我打开过手写的目击证词,描述绑架和强奸犯的审判和处决。 putclub

In an unusual announcement, the attorney general said he will give more details about the timing of the executions, this Friday.
总检察长在一个不同寻常的声明中说,他将在星期五提供有关处决时间的具体情况。 ebigear

Many other states, including Texas, which last year carried out almost half of all executions in America, have no plans to follow suit.
许多其他的州,如去年执行了大约全美一半死刑的德克萨斯州,就没有这种跟风行事的打算。 ecocn

Public executions have been few, at least so far.
至少到目前为止,公开的死刑已很少。 ecocn

Right now, executions are generally open only to the press and a few select witnesses.
现在,死刑的执行一般只向媒体和一些特定的证人开放。 yeeyan

Six countries— China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan and the United States— accounted for more than nine in ten of last year's known executions.
中国、伊朗、巴基斯坦、伊拉克、苏丹和美国这六个国家去年执行死刑的数量占到已知死刑总数的十分之九以上。 ecocn

Tales abounded of torture, lengthy jail terms without a fair trial, executions and disappearances.
到处传言着酷刑,草草审理后的长期监禁,私下处决和失踪。 yeeyan

The first is the sharp fall in both executions and death sentences in recent years in America.
第一张表显示了美国近年来执行死刑和判处死刑人数的急剧下降; ecocn

The rate of executions appears to have speeded up, too.
其死刑的执行率看起来也大大提高。 ecocn

Their deaths brought the number of executions in America so far this year to35.
加上这两起处决,美国今年被执行死刑人数已上升到35人。 ecocn.org

Two of them, Nepal and the Philippines, have since abolished it again; in the other two, the Gambia and Papua New Guinea, there have been no executions.
其中两个国家,尼泊尔和菲律宾,是在废除死刑后再次执行;另两个国家,冈比亚和巴布亚-新几内亚,则在引入之前从未执行过死刑。 ecocn

Executions normally take place hurriedly, but in this case the killers were in no rush.
执行死刑通常比较匆忙,但是在这个情况下,刽子手却并不着急。 yeeyan




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