

单词 excited state
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Different excited state model of the spectral functions are given for different wave vectors.
以不同的波矢对谱函数给出不同的激发态模式。 cnki

If you have benzene, for example, the lowest electronic state, is quite far below the first excited state.

The degenerate energy levels of the first excited state are not relieved. The degenerate energy levels of the second excited state are relieved partially.
第一激发态的简并没有消除,第二激发态的简并被部分地消除。 opticsjournal

The calculation of the electronically excited state is still a challenge in theoretical chemistry.
关于电子激发态的计算,一直是理论化学的挑战。 dictall

The nonlinear behavior of electromagnetically induced transparency in an excited state doublet three-level atomic system has been studied.
考虑双激发态三能级原子系统,探讨了该系统小电磁感应透明的非线性理论。 cnki

The pressure experiments suggest that the excited state emissions originate from the optical transitions between the first excited electron states and the first excited hole states.
压力实验结果还表明大量子点的第一激发态发光峰来源于电子的第一激发态到空穴的第一激发态的跃迁。 cnki

The Zeeman splitting of the excited state for B in Si was observed.
观察到硅中硼受主激发态的塞曼分裂与移动。 cnki

Calculations on opened shell and triplet excited state molecule by Reduced Hamiltonian orbital method RHO were reported. Relevant theoretical formulae were given.
本文报告了约化哈密顿轨道 RHO法计算开壳层分子体系和三重激发态的研究结果,给出了有关理论公式。 cnki

Due to their short excited state lifetimes, Ru II bis terpyridine complexes can hardly used as DNA photocleavers.
由于极短的激发态寿命,钌 II三联吡啶配合物对脱氧核糖核酸 DNA的光损伤能力低下。 cnki

In this paper, by using potential method we discuss the energy spectrum of diquark on ground state and excited state with different angular momenta.
本文利用势模型方法研究了重双夸克在不同角动量时的基态和激发态能谱。 dictall

This would be significant in the study of molecular structure at high excited state.
这对研究分子高激发态的结构是很重要的。 dictall

This excites the molecule into another excited state, from which we can, with another laser light, break it down into two atoms.
这将使分子跃迁到另一个激发态,从中我们可以用另一种激光,把它分成两个原子。 yeeyan

Excited state intramolecular proton transfer ESIPT and dual fluorescence properties of3- hydroxyflavone 3HF have been investigated using time-dependent density functional theory.
本文还对3-羟基黄酮分子体系3HF的激发态分子内质子转移 ESIPT及双荧光现象进行了理论计算和研究。 cnki




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