

单词 excitatory
释义 ex·cit·ato·ry AHDikˈsīd.əˌtōrē,ek- 高COCA¹⁰⁹⁸⁷⁸BNC³⁰³⁶³iWeb³³⁵⁶⁸
adj. 刺激性的⁶⁷; 激发…的³³

of drugs e.g. able to excite or stimulateexcitatory transmitter介质,兴奋性递质…excitatory mechanism兴奋机制excitatory movement激感性运动植物…excitatory neuron兴奋性神经元…local excitatory state局部兴奋态excitatory input兴奋输入,激励输入…excitatory state兴奋状态excitatory junction potential兴奋性接点电位…excitatory process兴奋过程central excitatory state中枢兴奋状态,中心兴…excitatory substance兴奋物质excitatory synapse兴奋性突触excitatory amino acid兴奋性氨基酸…
excit(-atory…的⇒adj.刺激性的⁶⁷;激发…的³³近义词 excitant刺激性的excitative 刺激性的
Physiology The electrochemical transmission of a signal along a nerve fiber that produces an excitatory or inhibitory response at a target tissue, such as a muscle or another nerve.
信号沿着神经纤维的电化性的传播,在目标组织上产生兴奋的或抑制的反应,如在肌肉或另一神经上。 poptool

Conclusion:The excitatory effect of glutamate on the discharge of interpositus nuclear neurons in cerebellar slices may be directly mediated by glutamate receptors on interpositus nuclear neurons.
结论:谷氨酸对小脑间位核神经元单位放电的兴奋作用可能是通过直接激活间位核神经元表面的谷氨酸受体实现的。 cnki

First, the scientists found abnormal proportions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the brains of the embryonic DS mice, with a much higher quantity of the inhibitory cells.
首先,科学家发现唐氏综合症小鼠的胚胎中异常兴奋和抑制性神经元的比例异常,其中抑制性细胞的数量要高得多。 yeeyan

With the method Of an automatic discharge frequency counting technique, temporal and spatial interaction between excitatory and inhibitory processes in cat LGN neurons were studied quantitatively.
用神经脉冲自动计数的方法,定量地研究了猫外膝体神经元兴奋与抑制过程在时间和空间上的相互作用。 cnki




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