

单词 exchange
释义 ex·change 英ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ美ɪksˈtʃendʒAHDĭks-chānjʹ ★★★★☆初高四六研IT牛46八COCA¹⁸²⁰BNC¹¹²⁰iWeb¹⁵¹⁹Economist⁵²⁴


the act of exchanging


relation in value between kinds of money used in different countries

C交易所; 电话的交换台〔局〕

building used for commercial activities

vt. & vi. 交换,互换

give each other sth in return for sth else

vt. 交流


chemical process in which one atom or ion or group changes places with anothera mutual expression of views especially an unpleasant one;

they had a bitter exchange

the act of changing one thing for another thing;

Adam was promised immortality in exchange for his disobedience

there was an interchange of prisoners

the act of giving something in return for something received;

deductible losses on sales or exchanges of property are allowable

a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communicationa workplace for buying and selling; open only to memberssports an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes;

after a short rally Connors won the point

reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries;

he earns his living from the interchange of currency

the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another:

he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help

chess gaining or losing a rook in return for a knight or bishop;

black lost the exchange

chess the capture by both players usually on consecutive moves of pieces of equal value;

the endgame began after the exchange of queens

give to, and receive from, one another;

Would you change places with me?

We have been exchanging letters for a year

exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category;

Could you convert my dollars into pounds?

He changed his name

convert centimeters into inches

convert holdings into shares

change over, change around, as to a new order or sequencehand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent;

exchange prisoners

exchange employees between branches of the company

put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent items;

the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt

substitute regular milk with fat-free milk

synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the context's meaning

exchange a penalty for a less severe one
exchange, bandy, interchange


exchange强调通过贸易或以货易货的手段,也指用一件东西交换另一件东西; interchange强调互相更迭发生或轮流进行; bandy原指漫不经心地丢来丢去,引申指比interchange更迅猛、强烈或短促地交换。

ex-, 向外。change, 改变。
用作名词 n.
动词+~agree to an exchange同意交换expand exchange扩大交流have〔make, operate〕 an exchange进行交换〔交流〕promote〔reject〕 an exchange促进〔拒绝〕交换〔交流〕形容词+~academic〔athletic, cultural, economic〕 exchange学术〔体育,文化,经济〕交流direct exchange直接汇兑equal〔fair〕 exchange等价〔公平〕交换foreign exchange外汇long〔short〕 exchange长〔短〕期汇票whispered exchange耳语,交头接耳名词+~employment〔labor〕 exchange职业介绍所stock exchange证券交易所telephone exchange电话局,电话交换台~+名词exchange control〔fluctuations〕外汇管理〔波动〕exchange rate汇率exchange value交换价值介词+~at current exchange以现行汇率in exchange for交换in exchange for another换取另一件~+介词exchange between …两者间的交流exchange of goods物资交流exchange of ideas〔views〕思想〔意见〕交流用作动词 v.~+名词exchange blows打架exchange Christmas gifts互赠圣诞礼物exchange experience交流经验exchange a few words交谈几句exchange glances互相瞥视exchange greetings互致问候exchange places调换位置exchange seats互换座位exchange words口角~+副词exchange actually实际地交换exchange certainly确定交换exchange immediately立刻交换exchange intimately亲密地交流exchange recently最近地交换exchange significantly重要地交流exchange sympathetically同情地交换~+介词exchange by用…换exchange article by article以物易物exchange for把…换成exchange dollars for pounds把美元换成英镑exchange one's labour for money以劳动换取报酬exchange from one ship into another从甲船换乘乙船exchange with和…交换
用作名词n.in exchange for

交换in return for

用作动词v.exchange blows

打起来 come to blows

exchange for v.+prep.

用…换取 give (sth in return for sth else)

exchange sth for sthI'd like to exchange a watch for a camera.我想用表换相机。
Where can I exchange my American money for foreign money?我在哪儿可以把美元兑换成外汇?
She exchanged honour for wealth.她牺牲荣誉以换取财富。
exchange with v.+prep.

与某人交换… take (sth in return for sth else with sb)

exchange sb/sth with sbThey exchanged hostages with each other.他们彼此交换了人质。
Tom exchanged gifts with John at Christmas.汤姆与约翰在圣诞节交换礼物。
Eby exchanged books with Facer.伊比与费塞交换书籍。
Would you like to exchange places with me?I don't think you're comfortable in that seat.你愿意跟我换一下地方吗?我想你坐在那个座位上不舒服。
He occasionally exchanged a few words with his neighbours.他偶尔也和邻居说上几句话。
He likes to exchange ideas with others.他喜欢与别人交流思想。
exchange words with v.+n.+prep.

与某人争吵〔吵架〕 quarrel with (sb)

exchange words with sbIt's ridiculous to waste time exchanging words with such a man.浪费时间与这样的人争吵是十分可笑的。
She always exchanges words with her neighbours.她经常和她的邻居们吵架。非常记忆ex儿媳〖拼音〗+change改变〖熟词〗⇒交流过后,儿媳改变了很多蒋争熟词记忆ex-出change换→“换出”⇒兑换;交换;调换联想记忆ex + change变换→双方相互交换→交换,交流钱博士ex出来+change变化,换→拿出来换⇒交换联想记忆ex+change变换→双方相互交换→交换,交流ex-出change换→“换出”⇒兑换;交换;调换近义词n. barter
用作名词n.There have been numerous exchanges of views between the two governments.两国政府间曾多次交换意见。
The purpose was to halt the rise in the exchange rate of the Swiss franc.目的在于制止瑞士法郎兑换率上涨。
She works at the Stock Exchange.她在证券交易所工作。用作动词v.
S+~+AThis currency exchanges at par.这货币平价兑换。
S+~+ n./pron.The two armies exchanged prisoners.作战双方交换战俘。
The two girls always exchanged Christmas gifts.两个女孩经常交换圣诞礼物。
Will they exchange clothes that don't fit?要是衣服穿着不合身,他们同意调换吗?
They exchanged addresses.他们交换了地址。
You two boys exchange places.你们两个孩子交换一下位置。
We shall have opportunity to exchange views tomorrow.我们明天有机会交换看法。
They exchanged experiences at the meeting.他们在会上交流经验。Pexchangern.交换器Preexchangen.再交换Pre-exchange再度汇款Psuperexchange超交换Pcross-exchange交换汇兑Pcorn-exchangen.粮食交易所Pexchangeabilityn.可交换性Pinterexchange局际电话业务Pexchangeablea.可交换的可兑换的可替换的


exchange的基本意思是“交换”,可以表示以贸易手段以一物换取另一物; 也可指一般的一物与另一物相交换; 有时还指在两个或更多人之间换东西。引申可表示“交流”经验、思想等。


exchange宾语后常接介词for,表示“以…换取”; 接介词with表示“与某人交换某物”。

exchange后可接单数或是复数,一般在行动上,会有单数形式出现。They exchanged caps.他们俩交换帽子。

They exchanged a smile.他们俩交换笑容。


in exchange for表示“交换,对换”,常用于give/get/receive后。

I should like to give my pen in exchange for yours.I should like to get/receive your pen in exchange for mine.

注意exchange本身包含交换的意思,避免和同类含义的词搭配,如mutual exchange,exchange mutually,exchange with each other和exchange together都不属于正确用法。

用作动词May Iexchangeseats with you?我和你调一个座位好吗?
You canexchangeyour car at our nearest office.你可以到我们附近的公司换车。
Weexchangedour opinions about the event at the meeting.在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。
I'd like toexchangesome pounds for dollars.我想把一些英镑兑换成美金。用作名词He gave me an apple inexchangeof an orange.他给我一个苹果,交换一个橙子。
It seems theexchangerate fluctuates almost daily.外汇兑换率似乎每天都在上下波动。
A soldier was wounded in theexchange.一名士兵在交火中受伤。noun.trade;deal
同义词 change,commerce,network,swap,transaction,transferbarter,castling,commutation,conversion,correspondence,dealing,interchange,interdependence,interrelation,rearrangement,reciprocation,reciprocity,replacement,revision,shift,shuffle,shuffling,substitution,supplanting,switch,traffictransposingtransposition,truckbuying and selling,quid pro quo,supplantment,tit for tat
反义词 stagnationnoun.place where stocks are bought, sold
同义词 market,network,stock exchangecurb,net,storeover the counter,the Big Board,the Street,Wall Streetverb.trade
同义词 swapalternate,bandy,bargain,barter,castle,change,commute,correspond,displace,flip-flop,interchange,invert,market,network,rearrange,reciprocate,replace,reverse,revise,seesaw,shift,shuffle,shuttle,substitute,switch,traffic,transact,transfer,transpose,truckbuy and sell,cash in,change hands,contact with,convert into,deal in,give and take,go over to,hook up,horse-trade,link up,pass to,pay back,return the compliment,swap horses,turn the tables
反义词 continue,deny,hold,keep,leave alone,refuse,remain
alterationnoun change
about-face,accommodation,adaptation,adjustment,amendment,conversion,correction,difference,diversification,fixing,flip-flop,metamorphosis,mid-course correction,modification,mutation,reformation,remodeling,reshaping,revision,shift,switch,switchover,transformation,transmutation,turn,variance,variation
alternateverb take turns, change back and forth
act reciprocally,alter,blow hot and cold,change,come and go,exchange,fill in for,fluctuate,follow,follow in turn,interchange,intersperse,oscillate,relieve,rotate,seesaw,shift,shilly-shally,substitute,sway,vacillate,vary,waver,yo-yo
argumentnoun effort to convince;presentation of support
argumentation,assertion,case,claim,contention,debate,defense,discussion,exchange,expostulation,grounds,line of reasoning,logic,plea,pleading,polemic,proof,questioning,reason,reasoning,remonstrance,remonstration
argumentsnoun effort to convince;presentation of support
argumentations,assertions,cases,claims,contentions,debates,defenses,discussions,exchanges,expostulations,grounds,line of reasonings,logics,pleadings,pleas,polemics,proofs,questionings,reasonings,reasons,remonstrances,remonstrations
bandynoun verbal exchange
banternoun teasing
badinage,chaff,chaffing,chitchat,derision,dissing,exchange,fun,gossip,jeering,jesting,joking,joshing,kidding,mockery,persiflage,play,raillery,repartee,ribbing,ridicule,small talk While this is just an example, it illustrates the fact that when crossing domain boundaries there is no good reason to do exchange by copy.
这仅仅是一个例子。它说明了这个事实,当跨越领域界限时,很难有好的理由通过复制进行交换。 ibm

All these component have different properties but only the exchange and the queue are named.
所有这些组件的属性各不相同,但是只有交换器和队列同样被命名。 infoq

And the reason has to do with the socialist attack on the ownership and exchange of capital goods.
而原因就在于社会主义者一直攻击的个人财产所有制和资本品的交换。 yeeyan

As you move through your day, deliberately notice how many things you could exchange this money for: “ I could purchase that”, “ I could do that”.
当你在生活中到处走动时,特意留心你能用这钱交换多少东西,例如“我可以买那件东西”,“我可以那样做”。 yeeyan

But in exchange, you have to tell me where the cell phone is.
但是作为交换,你必须告诉我那个手机在哪。 yeeyan

Every observation we make involves the exchange of energy.

From this analysis came the concepts value in use and value in exchange.
从这种分析中产生了使用价值和交换价值等概念。 yeeyan

God offers to exchange what He has for what we have.
神会提供他有的东西和我们需要的交换。 yeeyan

How should the exchange be structured to serve them?
兑换应该怎样构建来服务他们? yeeyan

I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation.
我不相信我们中间有人想同其他人或其他时代的人交换位置。 yeeyan

I start my discussion in this part with an information exchange scenario, which demonstrates the use of XML encryption.
在这一部分中,我以一个信息交换方案开始我的讨论,该方案演示了 XML加密的用法。 ibm

Nothing, we have been told these years, is more educative than participating in or listening to an exchange of opinion.
这些年来我们都感到没有什么比参加一个讨论或听听别人的思想交流更有教育意义的了。 cri

One of these is imposed by the need to wire the components in a chip together, so that they can exchange signals.
其中之一就是必须将某一芯片中的所有元件用线连接起来,以便于各元件之间可以交换信号。 ecocn

So how do you exchange collections of objects in an interoperable fashion?
那么,您如何以互操作的方式交换对象集合呢? ibm

Such treaties begin with, but soon go far beyond, the jolly exchange of pie at Thanksgiving for cake on birthdays.
这样的协议一开始,就广泛的流传开来,为了生日时的蛋糕在感恩节交换派的快乐。 yeeyan

Their first exchange set the tone for a new relationship.

Things exchange for each other according to their cost of production.

Through these end points, you exchange application information with the different enterprise information systems as well.
通过这些端点,您还可以与不同的企业信息系统交换应用程序信息。 ibm

We must send our most trusted officer to parley with their leaders for an exchange of prisoners.

You and the piece of grass are all they have given me in exchange for the whole world, which I enjoyed outside.
你和这小块草皮是他们所给我的,用来交换我在外面享受着的整个世界的。 yeeyan




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