

单词 alleged
释义 al·leged 英əˈledʒd, əˈledʒɪd美əˈlɛdʒd, əˈlɛdʒɪdAHDə-lĕjdʹ, ə-lĕjʹĭd ★★★★☆高MICOCA⁵³⁸⁸BNC⁴²⁷⁶iWeb⁴⁹⁶⁸Economist¹⁸⁶¹

declared but not proved;

alleged abuses of housing benefits

doubtful or suspect;

these so-called experts are no help

alleg-ed如|被…的⇒adj.声称的³⁴;可疑的³³;靠不住的³³adj.所谓的;宣称的;号称的;断言的;有嫌疑的;被说成的;被断言的;被提出而尚未证实的;作为理由的;被指称的近义词 suspect怀疑accused被告dubious怀疑的charged紧张的assumed假定的asserted宣称的doubtful可疑的presumed推测的declared承认的supposed想象的apparent明显的announced宣布的suspected可疑的averred断言主张suspicious可疑的unproven未经证明的attested经检验证明真实的…asseverated动词asseverate…insinuated动词insinuate的…claimed动词claim的过去式,…affirmed动词affirm的过去式…indicted动词indict的过去式…incriminated动词incriminat…so-called号称的purported传说的

用作形容词They articled hisallegedcrimes.他们列举了他的被指称的罪状。
Herallegedfriends all disappeared when she was in trouble.她那些所谓的朋友,在她遇到麻烦时,都不见影踪。
The incident happened during a roundup of suspects in anallegedcocaine distribution ring at this Buffalo-area home.这次事故该发生在布法罗地区的一个家庭,那时嫌疑犯们正在提出分发可卡因。adj.(asserted, often doubtful
同义词 purported,so-called,stated,supposedaverred,declared,described,pretended,professed,suspectdubious,ostensible,questionable,suspicious
反义词 certain,definite,sure
hypotheticadjective supposed
nominaladjective supposed, theoretical
alleged,apparent,as advertised,formal,given,honorary,in effect only,in name only,mentioned,named,ostensible,pretended,professed,puppet,purported,seeming,self-styled,simple,so-called,stated,suggested,titular
putativeadjective commonly believed
reputedadjective believed
so-calledadjective supposed
alleged,allegedly,commonly named,formal,itular,nominal,ostensible,pretended,professed,purported,self-named,self-styled,soi-disant,wrongly named
supposedadjective presumed
alleged,assumed,conjectural,hypothetical,putative,reputed,supposititious,theoretical Ever since the acute phase of the financial crisis ended, policy discussion in Washington has been dominated not by unemployment, but by the alleged dangers posed by budget deficits.
自从金融危机的严峻阶段过去以后,主导华盛顿的政策讨论的话题不是失业问题,而是所谓预算赤字构成的危险问题。 yeeyan

It is instructive to examine who the defenders of this alleged principle may be, and the tactics they are using.
对捍卫这个所谓原则的人和他们使用的策略做些调查是很有意义的。 yeeyan

On one estimate, almost a third of its work concerns alleged human- rights violations, which made up a vanishingly small percentage of the law lords’ caseload a decade ago.
据估计,侵害人权的指控占几乎他们工作的三分之一,而在二十多年前这在法官们的待处理案件中只是可以忽略不计的部分。 ecocn

One of her recent campaigns was against a company named Park West Gallery, which, she alleged, was selling fake prints by Salvador Dali.
最近她的一项活动是反对一家名叫西园画廊的公司,她声称这家公司出售假冒的萨尔瓦多·达利的油画。 yeeyan

The constitution was suspended in1986 after an inquiry into arson and alleged corruption.
1986年在针对纵火罪和所谓腐败质询后宪法被废弃。 ecocn

The controversy over the Martian meteorite still sputters on today because they contain only a few alleged fossils, rather than living bacteria.
关于火星陨石的悖论在今天看来仍然是逻辑混乱的,因为它们包含一些声称的化石而不是存活的细菌。 yeeyan

The latest corruption case was dismissed two weeks ago because of alleged political interference.
由于据称有政治干预,最新的腐败案在两个星期前被驳回。 ebigear

A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers.
一个伊拉克人被指控曾在科威特对一妇女施虐,一位中士亲眼见到他被吊在起重机上然后伊拉克士兵开枪把他击毙。 ecocn

And the way to raise the status of teaching, another alleged benefit of licensing, is to attract go- getters into it.
并且所谓重新认证的另一好处--提高教学状态,却会吸引到那些赚一把就走的人进入教师行列。 ecocn

But it has not been proved that he intervened personally, and anyhow the priest was dying when the Vatican, a long time after the alleged crimes, became involved.
但是并未证实他亲自干预了此事,此外,梵蒂冈是在这位涉嫌犯罪很长一段时间后才干预的,那时这位牧师已经奄奄一息了。 ecocn

But one thing remains predictable: that despite their alleged conversion to the same cause, the president, Congress and businesses will not agree on how to advance it.
不过,仍有一事可以预见:尽管总统、商人和国会议员都宣称转向了共同的事业,但他们不会就如何推动它向前发展达成共识。 ecocn

He was arrested last year in an investigation into alleged tax fraud, but was never tried.
他去年在一次所谓的税收欺诈调查中被捕,但这项罪名从未被证实可靠。 ecocn

It also contained gossipy accounts of alleged sexual misdeeds.
它也包含了大量的所谓性罪行材料。 ecocn

It is about trying to attract and retain people of alleged talent.
那只是为了吸引和留住那些所谓有才华的人。 bloglegal

No longer will the national interest have to take its alleged inspiration from values— or, with maddening sophistry, be redefined to include almost anything.
国家利益将不再必须从价值中获得所谓“创新”——或者说是带着令人恼火的诡辩,国家利益被重新定义成几乎包括一切。 ecocn

Paris Hilton had an alleged prowler at her house this week.
这周,在帕里斯希尔顿家发现了一所谓的小偷。 yeeyan

The TV also broadcast images of a funeral Thursday for victims it alleged were killed by coalition forces.
这个电视台星期四还播放了一场葬礼的画面,它指控受难者是被联军杀害的。 www.voanews.com.cn

This alleged iron law of wages declares that wages can never rise above the minimum requisite to keep the laborer in bare existence as a laborer.
这条所谓的工资铁律宣称,工人的工资绝不可能上涨到劳动者作为劳动者必须维持其最低限度生存的最低工资水平以上。 yeeyan

We can now ask: How should we assess the alleged conflict between democracy and the use of the fruits of economic growth for social advancement?
我们现在可以问:我们应该如何去评定民主与经济增长成果用于社会发展两者之间所谓的矛盾? yeeyan

We shall have to say something about the alleged inevitability of“ planning” later.
后文中,对于人所声称的“计划”的必然性我们也会有话不得不说。 yeeyan

Whether he took care of any of these alleged children, or whether they existed at all, was another question.
他是否照顾这些声称中的孩子,这些孩子是否存在,又是另一回事了。 yeeyan




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