

单词 examination
释义 ex·am·i·na·tion 英ɪgˌzæməˈneɪʃən美ɪgˌzæməˈneʃənAHDĭg-zăm'ə-nāʹshən ★★★☆☆中高四六I牛4COCA³⁷⁷¹BNC¹⁷⁶³iWeb²⁹²⁷Economist¹⁰⁰⁴²


action of examining; being examined


testing of knowledge or ability by means of questions, practical exercises, etc.


questioning by a lawyer in a low count

the act of examining something closely as for mistakesa set of questions or exercises evaluating skill or knowledge;

when the test was stolen the professor had to make a new set of questions

formal systematic questioninga detailed inspection of your conscience as done daily by Jesuitsthe act of giving students or candidates a test as by questions to determine what they know or have learned

❌ I'll take part in the final examination at the end of the month.

✔️ I'll sit for the final examination at the end of the month.

✔️ I'll take the final examination at the end of the month.

参加考试一般不说take part in an examination,而通常说sit for〔take〕 an examination。

examination in, examination on


examination, exam, quiz, test

这组词的共同意思是“考试”,它们也有细微差别:examination通常指正式考试,如期终考试、入学考试等; exam是examination的缩写式,常用于学生口语中; test指小考或考查; quiz指课堂上进行的非正式测验。例如:

They are guessing when the exam will take place.他们在猜测什么时间考试。
John dwelt on his mistake long after the test was over.测验结束后很久,约翰还在凝思他的错误。
Mr. Smith gave us a five-minute quiz.史密斯先生对我们进行了五分钟的测验。examination, research


You may conduct your research for the term paper in the library.你可以在图书馆里为写学期论文进行研究工作。
It will be found upon examination that someone must have made a mistake.一经调查,便会发现有人犯了错误。14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的examinacion,意为司法问询,检查。
用作名词 n.
动词+~administer an examination进行考试allow an examination允许检查arrange an examination安排检查attend an examination参加考试bear examination经受检查carry out an examination进行检查cheat at the examination考试作弊cheat during the examination考试作弊cheat in an examination考试作弊cheat on the examination考试作弊conduct an examination举行考试cross an examination盘问do an examination进行检查do an examination参加考试draw up an examination拟订试题dread examination害怕考试enter for an examination参加考试fail in an examination考试不及格fail the examination考试不及格get through an examination考试及格give an examination给予考试have an examination考试hold an examination举行考试make an examination进行检查make out examinations出考题make up an examination拟订试题monitor an examination监考pass an examination考试及格require the examination要求检查revise for the examination复习迎考set examinations出考题sit for an examination参加考试take an examination参加考试形容词+~careful examination仔细的检查close examination严密的审查coming examination即将到来的检查complete examination仔细的检查further examination进一步的检查medical examination体格检查physical examination体格检查searching examination彻底的审查technical examination技术性的检查thorough examination彻底的审查difficult examination难答的试题easy examination容易的考试final examination期末考试oral examination口试written examination笔试名词+~bar examination律师考试end-of-term examination期末考试English examination英语考试entrance examination入学考试health examination健康检查history examination历史课考试master's examination硕士学位考试~+名词examination candidates应试者examination papers试卷examination questions考题examination room考场介词+~by examination通过考试marks in examination考试分数result in examination考试成绩on examination在检查时,根据检查结果under examination在检查中,在审查中put sb under examination审查某人without examination免试~+介词examination for…的考试examination in…的考试examination in English英语考试examination in physics物理考试examination into…的调查examination on…的考试examination through用…检查
用作名词n.under examination

在检〔审〕查中 being examined

故事记忆有一个 Nation国家最崇拜 Examination考试不考查 Creation创造只检查 Information知识不管你有多 Imagination想象力也只能听到老师的 Explanation解释钱博士examine检查,考试+ation动名词后缀⇒检查,考试
蒋争熟词记忆examine检查;考查-ation名词后缀⇒检查;查问;考试examine检查;考查-ation名词后缀⇒检查;查问;考试近义词 paper纸test考验exam考试study研究check检查probe调查sifting筛audit审计proof证明survey问卷review复习quiz恶作剧checkup审查canvass游说inquiry调查testing测试scrutiny监视analysis分析research研究audience听众criticism批评inspection视察assessment评价inquisition调查speculation推测examen每日的反省investigation调查consideration考虑interrogation审问scrutinization细察question paper试卷reconnaissance侦察questionnaire调查表interrogatory疑问的going-over严格的检查cross-examination盘问cross-questioningcross-questi…
用作名词n.On further examination it was found that the signature was not genuine.经过进一步的调查发现签名不是真的。
His position doesn't stand up to detailed examination.他的立场经不住详细检查。
She made a thorough examination of the door.她对门进行了仔细检查。
Don't relax your efforts because the examinations are over.不要因为考试完了就松劲。
I dread the examination.我怕这次考试。
You'd better bring your English up to scratch before you take the examination.你最好在考前使英语达到标准。
My parents will be disappointed with me if I fail the examination.我要是考不及格,父母会对我很失望的。
I can't come down till I've finished my last examinations.参加完最后的考试,我才能离开大学。
He passed his examinations with success.他成功地通过了各科考试。
The date of the examination will be announced to all schools later in the year.考试日期将在今年晚些时候通告各校。
Then came the day of his examination.后来,他考试的日子到了。
The examination in mathematics is very difficult.数学考试很难。
You must revise for the examination.你应当复习迎接考试。
Her wedding clashed with my examination, so I couldn't go.她的婚礼与我的考试冲突,因此我无法参加。
At the examination he made several glaring blunders, and that did for him.他在考试中出了几个大错,这下就完了。
She is revising her notes for the examinations.她正在阅读笔记准备考试。
He did not attempt the last question in the examination.他放弃了考试中的最后一道题。
Just run over your notes before the examination.考试前你只要再看看笔记就行了。
You have to pass the required examinations to become a driver.要想当司机,你必须要通过规定的鉴定考试。
You have to pass the professional examination to be admitted to the society.你得参加业务考试,及格后,方能获准加入该社。
He answered the examination paper quite well.他考卷答得很好。
Please distribute the examination papers round the class.请把考卷发给全班同学。
I shan't be able to breathe again until the examination results are received.只有接到考试成绩通知,我心上的石头才能落地。
After further examination by the prosecution the witness was allowed to leave the court.证人经原告律师讯问后,获准离开法庭。
His statement won't bear the lawyer'sexaminations.他的交代经不起律师的讯问。Pcross-examinationn.盘问Pself-examinationn.反省自省Preexaminationn.重考再检查再审查Ppreexaminationn.预试预先检查预考Pexaminationala.检查的考试的审查的Precross-examination反复盘问再反诘问





用作名词The issue needs furtherexamination.这个问题需要进一步考查。
None of these explanations can stand up under closeexamination.这些解释没有一个能经得住严格的考查。
I have no other wish except to pass theexamination.我除了要通过考试之外,没有别的心愿。
Theexaminationof all the witness lasted two hours.对全部证人的讯问持续了两个小时。
The doctor gave him a carefulexamination.医生对他作了彻底的检查。
Closeexaminationrevealed a crack in the vase.花瓶经仔细检查发现有裂缝。noun.test, analysis
同义词 audit,checking,checkup,cross-examination,diagnosis,experiment,exploration,inquiry,inspection,interrogation,investigation,observation,probe,questioning,questionnaire,raid,research,review,scan,scrutiny,search,study,survey,trialassay,battery,breakdown,canvass,catechism,dissection,exam,final,grilling,inquest,inquisition,once-over,oral,perusal,quest,quiz,reconnaissance,tryout,viewblue book,legwork,perlustration,the eye,third degree,written
反义词 ignorance,neglectnoun.medical checkup
同义词 autopsy,biopsy,inquiry,observation,probe,testexamphysical,postoperative
anatomynoun study of animal, plant structure
assaynoun analysis
auditnoun inspection of financial records
catechismnoun test
catechizationnoun test
collationnoun resemblance
comparison,examination,relation,relationship Did he put all his students through the examination?

One of these was another foreigner I lived with in Spain who could run circles around me if you put the two of us in an examination.
在西班牙的时候,我和另一个外国人住在一起,如果我们俩去参加考试的话,他能把我甩得几丈远。 yeeyan

The examination of fresh carcases increases the value of the information we can obtain on the threats to red kite health.
检查新鲜的红鸢尸体是我们能够获得更有价值的数据,以了解对红鸢健康产生威胁的因素。 yeeyan

An examination of standard talk therapy carried out in2004, for instance, found that half of patients had a clinically significant reduction in symptoms.
比如说,一次关于谈话治疗标准的审查于2004年开展,发现一半的病人在临床症状上有了显著的改善。 yeeyan

But I did tell you about the examination!

Can you go through this examination?
你能通过这次考试吗? ebigear

He always crowed about his examination results.

He dreads the examination.

He is mugging up on his chemistry for the final examination.

He lucked out on the oral examination.

He skinned through last examination.

He wagers on the result of this examination.

His cheating on the final examination queered his chances of graduation.

I have to take an examination next week, so I must soak myself in the books.

I leafed my notes before the final examination.

I remember her examination on the selections in the camp.
我记得她在集中营挑选人的方面的讯问。 yeeyan

I trust in his ability to pass the examination.
我相信他有能力通过考试。 kancaimi

I wish he would stop crowing about his examination results.

Students enter these schools by taking an entrance examination.
学生通过入学考试才能进入这些学校。 ebigear

Surely you could pass any examination.

The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination.

Without your help, I would not pass the examination.
没有你的帮助,我不可能通过这次考试。 kekenet

You must pass the examination to get credit for the course.

You will lie on a narrow examination table that slides into and out of this tunnel.
您将躺在一个狭窄的检查台上,然后滑进盒子中心的隧道中。 yeeyan

Your stomach must be empty, so you should not eat or drink anything for approximately8 hours before the examination.
造影前8个小时,你不可以吃任何事物以及饮用任何水或饮料,以保持你的胃是空的。 yeeyan




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