

单词 exacerbating
释义 ex·ac·er·bate 英ɪɡ'zæsəbeɪt美ɪɡ'zæsərbeɪt COCA³⁸⁶³¹BNC⁴⁶⁹²⁴Economist¹¹³²⁵
make worse;

This drug aggravates the pain

exasperate or irritate近义词 impair损害aggravate恶化intensify增强worsen使更坏displease使不高兴exasperate使 … 恼怒

用作及物动词Scratchingexacerbatesa skin rash.皮疹搔後会恶化。
Her mother's interferenceexacerbatedthe difficulties in their marriage.她母亲从中干预使他们的婚姻雪上加霜。
China's older air-traffic-control systemsexacerbatethe delays.中国陈旧的空中交通控制系统更是雪上加霜。verb.infuriate;make worse
同义词 aggravate,annoy,heighten,inflame,intensify,irritate,provoke,worsenembitter,enrage,envenom,exasperate,excite,increase,madden,vexadd insult to injury,egg on,fan the flames,feed the fire,go from bad to worse,heat up,hit on,push one's button,rattle one's cage,rub salt in a wound
反义词 aid,alleviate,appease,calm,delight,help,improve,make happy,please,soothe,comfort,compose,pacify,placate More generally across the economy, a fall in inventories has been exacerbating the recession as firms meet demand from stocks rather than new production.
经济界的普遍规律,就是存货减少将加剧经济萧条,因为公司以库存来满足消费需求,而非生产新产品。 ecocn

But, the contraction in demand will have a large multiplier effect, exacerbating the damage.
但是,需求的减少将有很大的乘数效应,加剧了损害。 yeeyan

Climate change, the Council affirmed, threatens China’s development by increasing extreme weather events and exacerbating water shortages.
会议指出,气候变化将会增加极端天气事件,恶化水资源的短缺,从而威胁中国的发展。 yeeyan

Dieting is a natural response to the weight gain you're experiencing, but it may be counter productive. In fact, it maybe exacerbating your problem.
节食是你对体重增加的自然反应,但是,这样做可能会起反作用,事实上,可能会使你的问题恶化。 yeeyan

Israel at first accused Hamas of exacerbating the crisis for political ends, though foreign aid-workers in the territory say Hamas does not interfere with the power station.
以色列起初指责哈马斯加剧了从政治上解决问题的危险,但是加沙的外国援助专家说,哈马斯没有干涉发电厂。 ecocn

Some analysts feared the loan- subsidy program was exacerbating those problems, with stimulus money leaking into real estate.
一些分析师担心,贷款补贴计划加剧了这些问题,刺激资金流向了房地产领域。 ebigear

Some of her closest supporters worry that she is exacerbating divisions within her party.
一些最亲密的支持者们担心她会加剧党内的分裂。 ecocn

Some worrying inequalities, such as the access to a good education, may indeed be widening, arresting economic mobility for the least fortunate and exacerbating income- inequality trends.
有人担心有些不均例如接受良好教育的机会会影响最底层人群的经济流动性,加剧收入不均的趋势。 ecocn

This cash- squeeze on companies is one reason why they have been running down their inventories, which is exacerbating the severity of the recession.
这种企业资金紧缺是这些企业削减存货的原因之一,而削减存货正加剧着衰退的严重性。 ecocn




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