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词汇 Evian
释义 Evian 'ɛvɪɑŋ 
“ Evian was sold as a beautiful person's drink,” says Mr Fishman.
依云的定位是维持美丽的个人健康饮品。 yeeyan

An Australian rice farmer with10,450 acres uses six gigaliters of water— that's six billion liters, or enough to hand almost everyone on the planet a bottle of Evian.
一个拥有10,450英亩土地的澳大利亚农民用掉6吉尔的水——即60亿公升,足够让这个星球上人手一瓶埃维昂矿泉水。 yeeyan

Between whining kids, buzzing BlackBerrys, stacks of unpaid bills and overturned bottles of Evian and Ambien, the bedroom has become more crowded than the kitchen.
孩子们在呜呜哭咽,黑莓手机嗡嗡作响,帐单堆积如山,翻倒的依云矿泉水瓶和安必恩安眠药瓶,卧室变得比厨房还拥挤。 yeeyan

Even after the recent price increases, gasoline is still two times less than the cost of Evian water, and10 times less than a Starbucks latte.
即使最近油价上涨到这么高,依云矿泉水还要比汽油贵上两倍,对一杯星巴克拿铁来说则是10倍。 yeeyan

He doesn't tell us how much water we should be using to flush our waste or whether the equivalent of a liter of Evian per person for our farmer's rice crop is10 times or100 times too much.
他没有告诉我们应当使用多少水来冲洗废物,抑或用等效于每人一公升矿泉水的水量来浇灌农作物到底是超出了10倍还是100倍。 yeeyan

If consumers regularly got sick after drinking Evian water, an imported premium brand in China, few would continue to buy that brand.
如果消费者饮用依云水中国进口的优质品牌后经常生病,那么就很少有人会继续购买那个牌子。 yeeyan

In the late1980s, the French brand Evian recognised the growing, wider health and fitness trend and exploited it to the full by marketing their bottled water the ultimate health and wellness product.
在19世纪80年代晚期,法国依云集团意识到人们对保健与健康的追求日益高涨,它准确的抓住了商机,把自己的产品标榜健康无限后推出市场。 yeeyan

Over at Amazon, you can purchase a Brita home-filter pitcher or sink attachment for less than a case of Evian.
在亚马逊,你可以买一个 Brita牌家用净水罐或净水槽,而它的成本可能比一箱依云牌瓶装水还便宜。 yeeyan

The most famous evian town except mineral water, it still is world famous beauty & skin care resort.

The fuzzy-headed animals are just a means to an end, an excuse and a pretext to tramp through a pristine rain forest where the air is cool, the sun warm and the rivers Evian-clear.
这个有着毛绒绒的头的可爱动物仅仅是我们来到原始森林的借口。这里空气清新,阳光温暖,河水清澈见底。 yeeyan

The link between energy and water is not always apparent, but the two are as intertwined as the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a bottle of Evian.
能源和水之间的联系并非常常如此明显,这两者就好比交织在一瓶依云水里面的氧原子和氢原子。 yeeyan

Today, Evian is owned by Danone Group, a French multinational company.
如今,由法国跨国公司达能集团所有。 yeeyan

What about the person who works for Evian but rides a bike everywhere and picks up trash off the street?
那你觉得那些虽在依云工作、却骑着脚踏车沿街捡垃圾的人算是环保主义者吗? yeeyan

Evian is a water source from a number of mineral water near the French Evian-les- class brand.1991 by the Danone Group.
依云是一个水源来自数个靠近法国埃维昂莱班的矿泉水品牌。1991年由达能集团所有。 xiangmutong




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