

单词 Evergrande
释义 EvergrandeEconomist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
After11 years working abroad, China volleyball legend Lang Ping, also known as the “ Iron Hammer”, will return home to coach the Evergrande Women's Volleyball team in Guangdong, Xinhua reported.
据新华社报道,时隔11年后,“铁榔头”郎平再次回国,将出任广东恒大俱乐部女排主教练。 shandong.chinadaily.com.cn

The “ Iron Hammer” signs on to coach Guangdong Evergrande Women's Volleyball Club.
“铁榔头”郎平签约广东恒大女篮俱乐部教练。 www.17tx.com

The Chinese Super League has just unveiled its most expensive player ever. Argentine midfielder Dario Conca has been unveiled as Guangzhou Evergrande's star recruit of the season.
中超联赛刚刚公布了史上身价最高的球员。阿根廷中场球员达里奥•孔卡被宣布成为广州恒大本赛季的新星。 hxen

Analyst Xue Jianxiong of E-House China Holdings said internal management and product efficiency at Evergrande and Vanke have improved immensely since the2008 market correction.
易居中国控股分析师薛建雄表示,在2008年恒大和万科的内部管理和生产效率有所改善。 blog.sina.com.cn

Argentine midfielder Dario Conca has been unveiled as Guangzhou Evergrande's star recruit of the season.
阿根廷中场球员达里奥•孔卡被宣布成为广州恒大本赛季的新星。 hxen

But more than half of the companies, including several large operators such as Evergrande, would struggle to meet debt repayments if contract sales fall by 30 per cent.
但如果合同销售下降30%,逾半数企业,包括恒大地产 Evergrande等数家大型开发商,将难以维持债务偿还。 okread

But there are exceptions, such as Hong Kong- based Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited.
但也有免责条款,例如香港为基地的恒大地产集团有限公司。 blog.sina.com.cn

James Xia, Evergrande's executive vice chairman and CEO, credited price adjustments for consistent sales gains through May and June.
詹姆斯夏,恒大的执行副董事长兼首席执行官相信通过五月和六月的销售价格会调整收益。 blog.sina.com.cn

One example is Chinese property developer Evergrande Real Estate.
其中一个例子便是中国房地产开发商恒大地产 Evergrande Real Estate。 www.rfp.org.cn

Recently, Evergrande Real Estate Group and Wyndham Hotel Group held a signing ceremony, and made a close cooperation on the country's projects.
近日,恒大集团与美国温德姆国际酒店集团战略签约仪式隆重举行,双方将就恒大全国系列项目进行密切合作。 worldwidehotel

Representatives of Evergrande declined to comment.
恒大地产代表拒绝对此置评。 acsf

The fifth chapter is to the evaluation and suggestion about real estate development project risk management of Evergrande Group.
第五章是对恒大地产集团房地产开发项目风险管理的评价及建议。 fabiao

Evergrande, rather than tapping into high-end consumption, is doing something boring that the government likes.
恒大地产未涉足高端住宅开发,而是在做一些讨政府欢心的无聊乏味的事情。 www.rfp.org.cn

Evergrande's contract sales from January to June totaled nearly21 billion yuan, more than doubling the deals closed in the same period2009.
一月到六月恒大销售合同的总额近21亿元,超过2009年同期的一倍以上交易。 blog.sina.com.cn




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